Many people are learning how to manifest to make the Law of Attraction work for them. As they know how to increase their vibration to match the frequency of whatever they want to attract, such as abundance, a new relationship, or better health, they begin to see how in control they are of their lives. And that is why you want to do what you can to learn how to manifest anything you want in life. 

However, you may have heard from others who did what they could to manifest what they wanted into their lives developed headaches during the process. So, is it true that you can develop headaches during manifestation? Yes, there is truth to that. You can struggle with headaches during the manifestation process. 

What Causes Headaches While Manifesting?

You have to realize when you are giving out your power to manifest anything into your life, you are expending a lot of energy. You may not realize how much energy you are spending when making the Law of Attraction work for you. For example, suppose you have emitted low vibrational frequencies for most of your life, and you are now learning how essential it is to keep your vibration high when it comes to manifestation. In that case, that takes a lot of energy from you. Therefore, it is not a surprise that you could have headaches. One common cause of headaches is spending more energy than you have and spending your energy in large amounts. That is what it takes to manifest anything you want into your life. 

You have to remember that even though you want to create positive changes in your life, you also know that making that kind of change is hard. It is not a surprise, too, because of stepping out of your comfort zone when manifesting that you would end up with a headache, as that alone takes a toll on your body. The good news is that there are methods to help you minimize your chances of getting headaches during manifestation. 

How Can You Reduce Headaches During Manifestation?

The one thing that makes the difference between getting headaches during manifestation and not getting headaches, or seldom getting mild ones seldomly, is how you spend your energy. If you have never asked the Universe for anything in particular before while actively manifesting for it, you would not know how to spend all of that energy needed to manifest what you want into your life. 

When you create an action and an intention, the energy is so powerful that you could end up with a headache if you do not spend the energy it takes to do that properly. Also, if you are vibrating at a higher frequency than what you are used to, since that is what you need to do for manifestation, that will give you a headache. Also, if you are trying to manifest something too quickly, you can develop a headache. 

Now you understand how it is common to get headaches during manifestation. However, when making the Law of Attraction work for them, the seasoned ones will not likely get headaches because they understand how to use their energy properly for manifestation. There are several ways to reduce your chances of getting headaches while exerting your energy for manifestation.

The first thing you need to do is eat enough healthy food, so you have the energy to manifest. You may even want to increase your caloric value slightly as you begin to manifest to avoid a headache. You may want to talk to a trusted homeopathic doctor or naturopath before making significant changes to your diet. 

However, you will want to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs for good-quality energy. In addition, eat plenty of protein such as lean meats, fish, cheeses, and eggs (or the substitute if you are vegan). Eat nuts and seeds, too, and legumes if you are not allergic. You will want to limit any processed foods such as trans fats, simple carbs, and sugar, and it is best to avoid them if you can. Healthy energy does not come from those sources. You also need to properly hydrate yourself by drinking six to ten glasses of water per day. That is a start. 

Don’t Forget To Meditate

As you change your diet for the better, you end up with higher quality energy that you can spend. However, you will also need to meditate to clear your mind when manifesting. Meditation is essential because if you don’t clear your mind enough while manifesting, you will spend more energy than needed, which will cause headaches.

 That is why taking at least 15 minutes to meditate, regardless of the time of day, is a must-do when manifesting properly. You also need to recite affirmations that help you effortlessly stay in the higher vibration. Suppose you eat foods that can provide you with a healthy dose of energy. If you are meditating regularly and reciting affirmations, you will have the strength to manifest without much risk of developing headaches. However, there is one more thing you need to do to help lower your chances of ending up with headaches. 

Allow Time For The Universe To Deliver What You Want

If you manifest something too quickly, you will likely end up with headaches because you manifest it too quickly. That means you will want to attract what you wish to slowly and be more patient as you will spend less energy manifesting, resulting in fewer headaches or none at all. You also have to remember that when the Universe responds to you, the energy from that is powerful, which can cause you to develop headaches. That is another reason you may end up with headaches if you manifest what you want to attract too quickly. 

You can quickly manifest more minor things, such as a new pair of shoes or an extra $100, because it does not take much energy. However, more important things such as more money, a new long-lasting relationship, or a healthy body take more energy to manifest. Therefore, the best thing to do is be patient, have faith, and allow the time the Universe needs to take to deliver those things to you so you can savor those things and be headache-free.