Understandably, some people may think that manifestation is the same as praying because you send positive energy and messages to the Universe. Therefore, when you pray, you hope those good things will come as a result of it. 

For example, you want to start a new business, and you may pray every night that you will become successful, and you may think that because you are finding success with the business, praying and manifesting are the same thing. However, the reality is that you are successful with your new business because you are doing what needs to be done to manifest your success correctly. Therefore, praying may bring you comfort, but it is not the same as manifestation. 

Manifesting And Praying Are Different From One Another

That means manifestation and prayer are different things. As you can see, there are parallels to them, but they are significantly different. Manifestation is turning a dream into a reality through envisioning that you have it as you increase your vibration and take appropriate actions. On the other hand, praying is an act of faith, as you pray to thank your Higher Power, God, The Universe, whatever it is that you believe in, and rely on them to help with a situation that troubles you. 

Many people think they can get what they desire through praying, but the reality is that praying may be a comfort, but it is not the same as manifesting. When you pray, you send messages to the divine to the Universe, whether you thank them for your blessings or lean on them for comfort if you are struggling or in an uncomfortable situation. You will also pray for a friend or a loved one if they are struggling, sick, or injured. However, you are not taking action on doing anything otherwise, and the other thing with praying is that your vibration may not necessarily be high if you are praying for comfort. 

Your vibration can be at any level when sending out prayers to the Higher Power or the Universe. For example, if you are in a bad place, your vibration will not be high, and you may keep praying for the help of some kind. If help does come, then your prayer was not answered per se. On the other hand, you may have unknowingly increased your vibration to seek help for whatever you are struggling with, and as a result, you manifested that help. How often does something come to you out of nowhere just by praying for it? If you have to think about that too deeply, then chances are it never happened. That alone should tell you that prayers and manifestation are two different things. 

However, you may wonder if there is still a connection between praying and manifesting. Yes, both can be connected, and praying and manifesting can overlap. Let’s talk about that more, so the relationship between both begins to make sense to you. 

How Can Prayer And Manifestation Overlap?

Let’s go back to talking about the individual struggling with life, in general, and decided to pray that help would come. That individual may think that their prayer was answered when help arrived. But here is the thing. What they did was pray, and then because of being subconsciously inspired by praying, they decided to manifest help. 

They may not have known that they have, but their prayer got them looking around to find support groups online and ended up manifesting as the ones who could give them the help they needed. And, understandably, the individual said that their prayers were answered because the Higher Power/God/The Universe delivered them to that person. Therefore, it is very easy to think that manifestation and praying are interchangeable. 

You probably may think of many situations where you can relate, whether you pray that you will find your true love and unknowingly at the same time manifests it by focusing on a new relationship, visualizing what it looks like, and taking the appropriate actions for it. Or, if you are praying that you will be successful in your business, you will also do what it takes to manifest that success. 

And usually, when you do pray for something to happen, you unknowingly manifest it too by taking the proper steps. If you did not think something was important to pray for, you would not do it. You may also ask others to pray for you if you want to manifest something into your life, and you may think that you ended up with the thing you attracted through the help of prayer circles. So you can see how prayer and manifestation can overlap, but remember that they are entirely different. Now, you may wonder if praying is necessary to help you manifest what you want in a more straightforward way. And you would not be the only one asking this question. 

Is Prayer A Necessary Part Of Manifestation?

The short answer to that question is no. You do not need to pray to manifest what you want into your life. However, if praying makes the process easier for you, or helps to increase your vibration, then by all means! But it is not a necessary part of making the Law of Attraction work for you. 

That is why you have atheists that can make the Law of Attraction work for them. They do not pray. All they do is visualize, increase their vibration to match the frequency of what they want to attract, and take appropriate action. And therefore, they will attract whatever it is that they want. Therefore, manifesting without praying is possible, and most people likely do that regardless, even if they observe a particular faith. 

People who are more religious or faith-based may include prayer in their daily rituals when it comes to manifestation. The bottom line is that if prayer helps anyone increase their vibration, then it should be a part of their manifestation rituals. If prayer does not work for you, you do not need to do it.