You hear a lot about visualization and manifestation, and a piece of your manifestation efforts working out is harnessing the power of visualization. However, is that not something that you do anyway regularly? Is that not the same as daydreaming? When you are bored at work, or back in those days when you were in class, your mind would wander off as you visualize different scenarios. Let’s talk more about that. 

What Is Daydreaming?

If you are human, you are doing to daydream from time to time as that is part of having the human experience. However, as mentioned previously, when you are not receiving enough mental stimulation, your mind will wander off as you imagine and visualize different scenarios, keeping yourself stimulated. 

For example, when you are at a work meeting, that is not keeping you stimulated, or if you are in a boring class, you will find yourself daydreaming. The same goes for watching a movie or a television show that is boring you. You need to imagine different journeys, and daydreaming is a way to conjure new ideas and situations.  Therefore, you are basically ending up in a fantasy place when you daydream. Now that you know what daydreaming entails let’s talk about visualizing for manifestation. 

What Is Visualizing For Manifestation

When you visualize for manifestation, you intend to experience what it is that you want to attract. This involves you seeing yourself with the very thing you want to attract, such as more money, a slimmer body, or a new relationship as examples, but you want to feel what it is like. You are also getting your other senses involved. 

For example, you smell the coins from having more money and smell the bills if you want to manifest more money. Likewise, you are smelling the cologne or perfume of your new partner if you’re going to manifest a new relationship. You could also taste the gourmet food that your money can buy when you envision your life with more money. You get the idea, and you can likely already see the difference between visualizing for manifestation and daydreaming. 

And there are several differences between visualization for manifestation and daydreaming. So let’s delve into that further. 

What Are The Differences Between Daydreaming And Visualizing For Manifestation

One significant difference between visualizing for manifestation and daydreaming is that you allow your mind to wander off into a fantasy land when you daydream. Daydreaming is a creative process that includes having different thoughts, dreaming up dreams you may have had at night, thinking of memories, analyzing different perceptions, or going into a fantasy way of thinking. 

When it comes to visualization for manifestation, you have every intention to turn what you are visualizing into a reality. So you would envision yourself being with the thing you want to manifest in your life, and you also use the visualization to take action and go after what you want. So the gist of it is that you use visualization to create an outcome, whereas a daydream does not do that. 

However, if you visualize for manifestation but do not take action, it is no different from daydreaming. You cannot visualize what you want without any action plan to go after it. What visualization helps with is to help you create a focus to go after what you want so you have the inspiration to take the appropriate action. Even though daydreaming is not the same as visualizing for manifestation, there are benefits of daydreaming that are good for your well-being. Daydreaming can help you get into a mind frame and help increase your vibration to be in a position to manifest what you want. Let’s go over some benefits of daydreaming. 

What Are The Benefits Of Daydreaming?

As you know, for you to make the Law of Attraction work for you, you have to be in a higher vibrational state. Therefore, daydreaming can help you get there as it helps you with relaxation, and therefore, daydreaming can help reduce stress. However, if you deal with too much stress and you do not manage it well, that lowers your vibration, which means the Law of Attraction will not work for you if that is the case. 

Another benefit of daydreaming is that it can help you recover from heartbreaks as it also allows you to escape any problems you face. It also enables you to escape from the boredom you experience, as feeling too bored can lower your vibration. You may not be able to run boring board meetings, and you will have to be present, but if you are feeling low because you are bored, a brief daydream can help fix that. Now you know the differences between visualizing for manifestation and daydreaming, let’s go over which is better for you. 

Visualizing For Manifestation Vs. Daydreaming

Both daydreaming and visualizing for manifestation have their benefits. Daydreaming can help you increase your vibration if you deal with stressful situations that will lower your vibration. However, if you rely on daydreaming alone to manifest what you want, you will not be successful with it. Therefore, when making the Law of Attraction work for you, you need to visualize for manifestation, as visualizing helps you create focus and clarity on what you want to attract into your life. That way, you will have the motivation to take the appropriate action. \

Therefore, both have their purposes for making the Law of Attraction work for you. Daydreaming will help you increase your vibration. However, visualizing for manifestation will be the very thing that will help you attract what it is that you want into your life. Therefore, it is not a case of one being “better” than the other. It is a case in which one plays a particular role in the Law of Attraction process, and you know which one it is! However, if you are dealing with a stressful day, and you are feeling low as a result, your daydream will be the thing that can come to the rescue.