Most people have some morning routine, as they have so many benefits, but one crucial thing about a law of attraction morning routine is that it can give you time for yourself that you need. Of course, you need to have time to yourself, so you can get on with the day to tackle whatever comes your way. But why not add a critical part to your morning routine that can help you bring on success for the day and help you manifest anything that you want, for that matter?

That is why you will want to use some Law of Attraction tools to set you up for a day of success. There are some key reasons why the Law of Attraction works best first thing in the morning. 

Why Does The Law Of Attraction Work Best Early In The Morning?

You are more receptive after you wake up because your mind is not cluttered from worries. That means when you are in that state. So you tell the subconscious mind that right when you are fresh into the waking phase. Then, you are in a perfect position to focus on your desires, goals, and dreams. That is why the morning is the best time to do your visualizations, do some meditation, and journal. 

Suppose you are worried about giving time in the morning to do your manifestation work, eating up a lot of your prep time for the day. In that case, you will want to go to bed earlier the night before so you can wake up early to give yourself extra time to focus on your Law of Attraction work. However, before getting into the nitty-gritty of applying your Law of Attraction work in the morning, let’s go deeper into why having a morning routine is beneficial other than having the time you need for yourself. 

Why Do You Need A Morning Routine?

The truth is that having a morning routine is good for your overall health as you can concentrate on doing a workout if you cannot do it at any other time of the day. You can also start your day off with a healthy breakfast, which will give you a good boost for the remainder of the day. You want to focus on eating a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates, which will provide you with plenty of energy for the day. 

A good morning routine will also help you develop good sleep habits, and the example is when you implement Law of Attraction work in the morning, you will want to go to bed earlier. Going to bed earlier at night will improve your sleep, and if you improve your quality of sleep in the long term, that means your health will improve. 

Additionally, a morning routine has benefits for your mind. Studies show that morning people are happier overall, as they operate on a much higher frequency than those who don’t have a proper morning routine. So think about it, when you get up early to take care of your health, mind, and fitness, that will influence how you feel for the remainder of the day. That alone can help you increase your vibration so that you can help the Law of Attraction work on your side. So now, let’s go over how to include Law of Attraction habits into your morning routine. 

How To Utilize The Law Of Attraction During Your Morning Routine

What you want to do is after you wake up, you are the most receptive when it comes to reprogramming your subconscious mind as you have a clean slate. Therefore, you will want to work on your vision board and do some visualization exercises on what you want to manifest. Take as much time as you need to do that, so you feel the effects of what you want to manifest. For instance, if you’re going to manifest a new job, envision yourself working at the new job you want, and imagine yourself being there.

Then you will want to recite some affirmations that will keep you in a positive mindset, and you can do that when you are looking in the mirror as you wash up for the day. So that is an example of a good time to recite affirmations. 

Then the next thing you want to do is work on your gratitude journal, and you can do that after you eat breakfast or when you are having your cup of coffee or tea. Think of all of the things you are grateful for and write them down in your gratitude journal. Read your previous entries as well, and you want to think of at least three new things for the day to be grateful for because you acknowledge that the Universe is blessing you with many blessings.  

After doing your gratitude work, before leaving the house for work or for the errands you need to run, take some time to do some meditation exercises. You will want to square away 15 minutes to do that. And once you begin to add manifestation work into your morning routine, it will be second nature to you, and you will be a naturally optimistic person operating on a high frequency. You will have a much easier time attracting what you want. If you are concerned about how much extra time you need in the morning to do manifestation work, let’s go over that.

How Much More Time In The Morning Do You Need To Do Your Manifestation Work?

You should need an extra hour of your morning to do this extra work, and that means waking up an hour earlier than you typically do. And again, that means going to bed an hour earlier than you usually do so you get good-quality sleep the night before. It will be challenging at first, but once you make it a habit, you will be glad that you went through the initial stage of discomfort to help you begin attracting what you want!