One of the issues when reciting affirmations to manifest what you want is that those who use them are not doing them correctly. It is known that one of the necessary things to do when it comes to applying the Law of Attraction is to recite successful affirmations. However, repeating these affirmations can be pretty tricky when self-doubt is in the way. That is because when you are plagued with self-limiting beliefs, you will feel as if you are lying to yourself when you say these affirmations. 

When you feel as if you are lying to yourself, you will end up experiencing more self-doubt. That means your frequency will even be lower, and you will not end up being able to manifest what you want because of the mismatches of energy. So what can you do to make affirmations work? Let’s go over five ways on how you can do that. However, before getting into that, let’s talk more about successful affirmations!

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that you recite until they turn into brand new beliefs. You can use affirmations for anything when it comes to manifesting. You can use them to challenge negative thinking as well. Successful affirmations are excellent for helping you create new goals that you want for yourself. The point of affirmations is that when you recite them and become true to you, that helps to rewire your brain into you, believing that you will attract what you want. That is why successful affirmations are essential for manifestation, as they will help you operate on the frequency that matches what you want to attract. Now, let’s go over five tips to help you make them successful. 

Make A Commitment To Recite The Ones That Are True To You 

If you are riddled with self-doubt, but at the same time, you want to manifest more money, or a thin body, then saying “I am wealthy” or “I am at the weight I am happy with” will not work. You will feel as if you are lying to yourself. However, since you need to challenge your self-limiting beliefs, you will want to commit to reciting successful affirmations to challenge negative thinking or self-doubt. Some examples of affirmations that can do that are:

I’m worthy of my success.

I deserve to be happy.

I’m not perfect; I’m just human.

I’m responsible for my joy and happiness.

Once you can overcome self-doubt and negative thinking, you can begin to recite affirmations that align with what you specifically want to manifest. 

You Want To Ensure That Your Affirmations Are Simple

When you recite affirmations, ensure that they are simple. You do not want them to be complicated and lengthy, or you will not remember them. What good will affirmations be if you cannot remember them? If you create affirmations that are difficult to remember, then you will find excuses not to recite them at all. You want them to be one-liners and should not have more than seven or eight words. 

Ensure That They Are Positive

You want to ensure that the affirmations you recite are positive. Here is an example of what that means. If you’re going to stop thinking negatively, you do not wish to repeat affirmations such as “I am stopping to think so negatively.” Instead, you want to say, “I am thinking positively.” Therefore, every affirmation that you use must be positive. No negative words should be in any affirmation or else that will lower your vibration. 

All Successful Affirmations Must Be In The Present

When you recite affirmations, you want to ensure that they are in the present tense. Even if it is not true, you want to say them as if they are. That is why it is essential to work on your negative thinking and self-doubt before reciting affirmations that associate with the thing you want to attract. For instance, if you’re going to draw a slimmer figure, you will not likely stick to saying “I am at the weight that I am happy with” once you begin to commit to losing weight. Especially if you don’t think you will stick to your goals and lose enough weight to have that slimmer body. That is self-doubt thinking. 

Instead, you can recite lines such as “I am eating healthy because I deserve it” when you are early in your regimen. Once you see results that you want, then you can begin to recite “I am at my optimal weight.” When you recite affirmations, they must be believable to you.  

You Repeat Your Successful Affirmations Several Times Daily

You cannot say an affirmation only once. That will not imprint on your mind and make an impact on you if you only say it once a day. Instead, say them several times in the morning when you are getting ready for work, and say them before going to bed at night. You will also want to record them and play them back while driving or doing some other activity. Because listening to the affirmations you make will also have a significant impact on you. You will also want to say the successful affirmations at night before you go to bed, so they are imprinted in your mind before sleeping. You can listen to your recorded affirmations since you will be too tired to say them late at night. 

If you listen to them repeatedly, that will be helpful, and eventually, the affirmations you say will help you get to the same level of what you want to attract. If you don’t use affirmations when applying the Law of Attraction, it will be harder for you to manifest what you want. That is because you could be more prone to not believing in what you want to attract. The affirmations will help you focus and stay on course, even if you have a difficult day that challenges your beliefs. You have to expect that there will be frustrating days that you will encounter because that is what life is about. However, as long as you say your successful affirmations, stay focused, you will manifest what you want!