One of the biggest challenges people have when it comes to manifestation and applying the Law of Attraction is struggling to let go of the past. Why would the past have an impact on your current manifestation? When you think of the past, you will think about negative experiences that have happened, which will affect your present and future.  

For instance, if you are looking for a new relationship but you cannot let go of how your ex betrayed you, you will bring that energy with you when looking for a relationship. What will happen? Well, when you are stewing in resentment over your ex, who let you down, you are emitting a low frequency. Therefore, you will attract a new relationship where the same thing will happen. You will attract someone who will let you down. 

The same goes for focusing on previous money problems and unpaid debts. You will keep attracting the same financial issues and more debt. That is why it is essential to leave the past behind when you want to manifest something better for the present and the future. The million-dollar question is, how can you let the past go if you are subconsciously afraid that those things will happen again? Let’s talk about that. 

How Can You Leave The Past Behind So You Can Manifest Great Things For The Present And Future?

One of the most challenging aspects of applying the Law of Attraction is knowing how to leave the past behind, especially if painful things had happened then. It is always essential to figure out what is holding you back from attracting what you want, and it will not take long to do that once you think about it. For instance, if your ex was unfaithful to you, you will fear that your new partner will be the same way. But, of course, the last thing you want to do is attract that. That is why it is essential to acknowledge the past pains and disappointments and move beyond them. You need to leave the past behind to create a much better present and future.

If you are struggling to leave the past behind, you will need to ask yourself why it is essential to move beyond it. Then, imagine what your life could be like if you were able to move beyond it and apply the Law of Attraction without thinking about the past and worrying whether it can come back to haunt you. 

If this is an area of struggle for you, then the best thing to do is work with a therapist to help you work through it. You may have some challenges if you have PTSD or complex PTSD that involves previous traumas. However, if you do, and you cannot altogether remove your triggers, don’t fear. That will not prevent you from attracting what you want – as long as you put in the work and effort in matching the vibration of what you want to attract. The Law of Attraction does not discriminate, which means it will work for those who have mental illnesses of any kind. However, that does mean you will have to put more effort into regulating your emotions and letting go of past fears to manifest what you want. Part of the work that you need to do is identify your habits on an emotional basis. 

Identify Your Habits On An Emotional Basis

When you identify your emotional habits, this part will be tricky because it requires you to be very reflective, which cannot be easy emotionally. You will need to determine how you live your life, such as your lifestyle and limiting beliefs. You may not even realize that you could be stuck in a negative emotional cycle because it is unconscious. The negative emotional cycle is likely due to having negative experiences in the past where you were left disappointed. Therefore, you have given up on an emotional level, which is why you are going through the motions. When you dig deep within, you will discover that, and it will be a shocking discovery too – but that is part of the battle right there. 

The next step will be to get yourself out of that negative emotional loop so you can work towards having a much better present and future. Let’s delve into how you can do that. 

Create Strategies On How To Change Your Negative Thinking Because Of The Past

You learned that you had been stuck in a negative emotional loop, and now you know that you need to make a change if you want to manifest the thing that you want. That will require you to understand your why. Why do you want to attract the thing you want, and how will it serve you? Once you determine that, you want to make lifestyle changes and develop new beliefs that will replace the old limiting ones. 

For instance, you will want to change if you are eating poorly and not getting any exercise because you have “given up” based on previous disappointments. That means starting eating nutritious foods and moving more. Acknowledge the painful past you had, but do some exercises that involve thinking of the positive things that happened to you too, and focus on those. Practice gratitude, and do that daily. You will be operating on a much higher frequency before you know it and will be in a position to attract what you want. 

Eventually, when you have a negative thought from the past, it will not have as much of an impact on you when you increase your vibration. Therefore, you will think about it, allow it to pass, and not affect you. If you go to a reputable therapist who specializes in trauma, they will help you achieve this as well if you have PTSD or complex trauma. Therefore, anyone can apply the Law of Attraction and leave the past behind. 

Therefore, at this point, you will be in a place where you know you deserve a lot more than you had thought previously. You will say your affirmations, and you will take appropriate actions to manifest what you want – and you will attract it with plenty of focus as well!