When you want to manifest anything into your life, you realize that you have to do what you can to make the Law of Attraction work on your side. That means working through any form of self-doubt, which can sabotage your manifestation abilities and change your thinking for the better so you can increase your vibration. You need to learn to visualize and recite affirmations in addition to taking action on turning your dream into a reality. You know those are the things you need to do when manifesting. However, you could always use some help to amplify the message to the Universe based on what you want to attract, which is why using crystals to help make the Law of Attraction work on your side. 

How Crystals Can Help With Manifestation

When you want to attract abundance, the right relationship, a better job, a new house, or anything, you have to be in alignment vibrationally with those things. It is unrealistic to expect one to be positive 24/7, especially after a stressful day. And off-days will not harm your manifestation abilities as long as you do not allow the lower vibrational feelings to take over your mindset. However, when you rely on the help of crystals, the crystals will help you keep your vibration as high as possible even on your off-days. That is why they can be an excellent asset when you boost your manifesting abilities. 

Crystals are known to possess intense energies that you can harness to influence your energy and the energy in your environment. And that is how they can help you make the Law of Attraction work for you. They possess an electric charge known as piezoelectricity that conducts throughout the crystal. Mechanical stress causes an electric polarization which is piezoelectricity, which influences the crystal’s vibration and the one who carries the crystal energetically. 

Even though many people believe that crystal therapy is a placebo, it still has been known to help improve the quality of life for many people. Therefore, even though research in crystal healing is lacking, you cannot dismiss that strong possibility if many people have been helped with crystal therapy. 

You do not ever want to ignore that crystals can help make the Law of Attraction work for you. But keep in mind that you have to do everything else required to help you attract what you want, as crystals are only there to help keep your vibration higher. Let’s go over the best crystals to manifest specific things in different areas of your life. Let’s start with going over the best crystals to use if you want to attract money and success. 

The Best Crystals For Money And Success

You will want to use three crystals to attract abundance in the form of money and success. They are citrine, pyrite, and green aventurine. Citrine is one of the crystals that many people like to use to attract wealth, and many business owners want to use that stone because it also helps improve creativity. They need creativity when it comes to marketing, and the bonus with a stone such as citrine is that it can help you envision what you want. 

Pyrite is another one that can help you attract abundance. It also enables you to increase motivation for your career or your business. And then there is green aventurine which is the perfect stone to have if you want to attract different opportunities to make extra money. Now, let’s go over the stones you will want to have if you’re going to attract better health. 

Crystals To Use To Attract Better Health

The three crystals you will want to use to attract better health are obsidian, amethyst, and quartz. Obsidian can help improve the energy flow within your body and help remove blockages, and amethyst is excellent to help reduce stress, fear, and tension. And quartz is known as the master healer as it is ideal for healing any health aspect (but it is never a replacement for prescribed medication). Let’s go over the crystals to use for your relationship. 

Crystals To Help Improve Your Love Life

Three crystals are good to help you attract better relationships, such as rhodonite, as it is suitable for healing heartbreak and attracting love. There is also rose quartz which is excellent for self-love and attracting new love. That means anyone attempting to love themselves, which is essential for manifestation, should use this stone. Then there is pink kunzite, which is the stone to help with unconditional love and communication that is very loving. 

You can also use general stones regardless of what you want to attract into your life, such as clear quartz, as that helps bring clarity to what you want. Iron pyrite is also good to have as it can help you remove those inadequacy feelings so you can make the Law of Attraction work for you. And finally, there is celestite which will help you process your emotions and keep your connection to the Higher Power. 

How To Use Crystals

You first want to set an intention to give your crystals a purpose for your manifestation, and you can say it out loud if you like. Then, you can wear crystals in jewelry form, keep them in your pockets, or keep them in your environment, such as on your desk when you are working. They are also excellent to hold when you meditate and envision what you want to attract. You can also use them in rituals. 

You also want to remember to cleanse your crystals as they absorb negative energy. You can cleanse them once a week by putting them in a bowl of salt or running them under running fresh water. But you will want to check the type of crystal before washing them with water as you do not want them to dissolve. If you are not comfortable doing that anyway, you can always place them on the window sill under moonlight or sunlight. You can also smudge them with sage, palo santo, or incense. Crystals are an excellent asset for helping you make the Law of Attraction work on your side.