Whether you know it or not, you are always manifesting something. And if you are living a mediocre life, then you did manifest that without knowing it. That does not include accidents or serious issues that happened to you out of nowhere that was out of your control. However, you manifested your job, finances, partner, and other relationships. 

And you may look at all of that and not be happy with any of it. However, the good news is that nothing that you manifest will stay forever if you set the intention to change it. That is why you can change any manifestation. 

Changing A Manifestation Is Easier Than You Think

Here you are not happy with your life’s circumstances, or you may have manifested something intentionally that did not turn out as well as you had hoped. That is why when you are consciously manifesting something. First, you need to be clear on what you want to attract into your life. For example, you wanted to have a relationship with a red-haired individual and at the same time have money, and that is all you sent out to the Universe. 

Finally, you got that partner that you wanted to manifest, but they turned out to be abusive, or at the very least, put you second and did not respect you at all. You regret your manifestation, and you want to change that. But, unfortunately, you cannot change that partner, so the relationship will need to discontinue to start fresh (after taking time to heal, which you need to do if you are recovering from a bad relationship). 

However, once you are ready to start manifesting the relationship you want, you will be clear on what type of partner you want, including how you want them to treat you. So let’s go over some steps on what you need to do when you are ready to change your manifestation. 

What Do You Do When You Are Ready To Change Your Manifestation?

The time when you want to change your manifestation is when you are not happy with the way something is happening in your life. For example, you may find that you were vibrating at a lower frequency which is why you manifested a mediocre life. 

Also, as mentioned, you will want to change your manifestation if you consciously manifested something that you thought would be ideal for you. However, you are not happy with the result now that you have attracted what you wanted, such as that partner who treated you poorly.  

Once you realize that what you manifested in your life is not ideal for you, you may have the urge to complain and act as if you are the victim. For example, you unconsciously attracted the job you strongly dislike. As a result, you will desire to cuss each time you have to go to work, complain about the traffic going to the office, complain about your boss, and so on. Before you do that, you need to stop and realize that you are not the victim. You can always change your manifestation, so you do not want to complain about your situation. 

You also have to realize that even though you are not a victim to what you manifest that does not serve you well, you may not be at fault for unconsciously bringing negative situations and bad relationships into your life. For example, if you grew up poor, you may subconsciously believe that you are only good for minimal wage jobs, and that is why you keep manifesting those. 

Or, if you were abused at home as a child, you may subconsciously attract abusive partners. So, while you do not want to act as the victim, you have to have compassion for yourself to attract those things into your life because you did not know how to make the Law of Attraction work for you in your favor. You had no idea that your frequency was low, which is why awareness is always the key. 

Once you realize that you have the power to create a much better life for yourself, then you can raise your vibration and begin to make the Law of Attraction work in your favor. However, if you are dealing with self-esteem issues, and trauma from abuse, or so on, you cannot work on manifesting a better life yourself as you will need counseling or therapy to help you get onto the right track so you can begin to change your manifestations for the better. 

How To Change A Manifestation For The Better Effectively 

You have already realized that you were unconsciously manifesting situations and people in your life that were not in your best interest because you were vibrating on a lower frequency. However, you did not know that, and now that you have gotten the counseling you needed (as you may need to continue to stay for a while), what you can do is begin to raise your vibration and become clear on what you want to attract into your life. 

Let’s go back to the relationship example. You attracted a red-haired partner with money because that is what you initially manifested. However, they treated you poorly, and you discontinued the relationship. You still want a partner with red hair and money, but at the same time, you make it clear to the Universe that you attract that partner who treats you like gold. And you have to believe that you deserve to be treated that way. 

Therefore, you do your envisioning, you visualize that dream partner, and then recite affirmations about that dream partner being with you. You positively speak to yourself. Always believe that you deserve to manifest the best that you want. Take time to meditate to clear the clutter and keep your focus on what you want to manifest clear. That goes for anything that you want to bring into your life intentionally. 

You also have to expect it to take time, as manifesting something too quickly is draining energetically, and you want to take the time to build up the appreciation for what you want to bring into your life. Remember that you can cancel, reverse, or change a manifestation as nothing is ever set in stone.