You know that it is important to do a Law of Attraction ritual in the morning. However, what if your mornings are too rushed for you to do your manifestation work then? For example, you could have plenty of kids to help get ready for school while you go and get ready for work. Therefore, it is understandable if not everyone can square out time to do their ritual in the morning. However, if that is the case, doing a night-time before bed Law of Attraction ritual works just as well! And that is what we will be talking about now. So, let’s talk about how you can incorporate a Law of Attraction ritual into your nighttime routine, and you will want to do it before you go to bed.

Manifesting Right Before Bed Is The Ideal Time To Envision What You Want In Life

Envisioning what you want at any time of day is great. However, something more powerful about manifesting what you want when you are tired enough to go to sleep. That is because you are slipping into your subconscious mind, and when your conscious is still strong enough to run the show, you can use it to envision what you want to attract deliberately. It is the same idea when you wake up, too, as your conscious then is not at its strongest. Therefore, anytime your conscious mind closes off and your subconscious mind begins to take over is the sweet spot for practicing visualization. 

The transition from conscious to the subconscious is when your brain goes into the Theta wavelength. However, the wavelength that is also ideal for visualization is when your brain is in the Alpha wavelength when your mind is calm and resting. In other words, when you are in a state of relaxation late at night, before bed, that is the ideal time for visualization. 

Therefore, as you tap into your subconscious mind, you can embed your wants and desires into it. Your subconscious mind is also responsible for any self-limiting belief you have, which is why you can self-sabotage your success. That way, if you struggle with self-doubt, you will want to visualize what you want when you are getting ready to drift off to sleep, so your subconscious allows you to go after your dreams without any self-doubt and other limiting beliefs getting in the way. Now you know why it is essential to do your visualization exercises when you are ready to sleep at night. Let’s go over some night time rituals to make this much easier for you!

The First Thing To Do Is To Remove Distractions

If you are the type that brings your smartphone into your bed before going to sleep, you will want to turn that off and leave your smartphone on your nightstand or dresser. It is not a good idea to look at screens late at night anyway because that will get in the way of you getting a good night’s sleep as the blue light from the screens can interfere with melatonin production. That is the sleep hormone. 

However, if you cannot relax without using your smartphone before bed because the habit is extremely ingrained, you need to give yourself five minutes where you will not use any screen, minimum. Then, if you do not look at any distractions, you can get into a place of calm mindfulness, and you will be in the present. Do not worry, as the night time ritual does not have to be long. You need anywhere from five to ten minutes to do this manifestation work before bed. 

You Will Need To Ground Yourself

Your mind can wander when you are in a tired state, so you will want to ground yourself by doing a two-minute body scan as you can start from the head over to the feet as you bring awareness to your body. And as you do that, you need to take some deep breaths as you will be scanning your entire body. The purpose of this exercise is to stay in the present, so you don’t allow your mind to wander off. But unfortunately, it is also easy to get caught up in thoughts that have to do with stress, money, work, kids, etc. 

Start Doing A Gratitude Exercise

As you ground yourself to the present, you will want to shift your focus on two to three things you are grateful for that happened during the day. If you were having an incredibly challenging day and it was one of those days when everything went wrong such as being late for work, your boss yelling at you, and your kids getting sick, for example, there are always things to be grateful for if you look for them. It can be a matter of being grateful the day was sunny or going to the basics. You have a roof over your head, food on the table, and clothing to wear. Getting yourself in the habit of gratitude will help raise your vibration so you can be in a position to attract anything you choose. 

Begin To Visualize What You Want In Your Life

Now, that is when the magic happens. Once you are in a present and calm state and a state of gratitude, now is the time to begin the night time ritual of visualizing what you want. For example, if you want to manifest abundance, visualize yourself holding a lot of cash, and feel it too on your hands. If you want to manifest a healthier body, visualize yourself wearing the clothes you want in a smaller size and feeling good. You get the idea! Then you will drift off to sleep. And allow the visualization to be natural. 

Before you know it, you will be in a state where you are at a higher frequency as you will be in a more positive mindset. You will take the appropriate actions in your waking life to attract what you want, and the trick is, you need to be in the habit of doing the night time ritual manifestation work each night before going to bed to make an impact!