You know the saying “patience is a virtue,” and when you anxiously wait for something to happen, you do not want to hear that term. You may even accuse those who tell you that when you are anxious, the phrase is nothing but a toxic positivity platitude. However, there is truth to the saying, even though you do not want to hear it. 

When you are in a state of anxiousness, you fail to see the wisdom in having patience. The truth is that patience is a significant component of being successful. Now that you know that, what can you do to work at patience when it does not come naturally to you? Firstly, let’s go over why you are impatient and then how to develop patience. 

Why Are You So Impatient?

You may have been told you are impatient when you are anxiously waiting for something to happen and make it clear that you do not want to wait. That is the definition of impatience, not feeling that you can wait. It may be the case if you are waiting for an event, a date, and someone. For example, you are tired of being single and doing everything you can to manifest a relationship, but it is not coming fast enough for you. As a result, you are getting anxious and antsy about waiting. 

Occasionally, impatience can show up in starting something before other people show up, such as eating a meal or doing a project. For example, you are at a restaurant for a dinner party, but you cannot order your meal until two more people show up. Therefore, you will be agitated because you are no longer patient with these individuals, and you want to order now – and you may have a legitimate reason to be impatient because you are probably starving. 

You will feel agitated, irritated, or even angry when you are impatient, as that depends on many factors. For example, some people are more impatient than others, and those more patient may have grown up in a family where the parents were patient. 

However, you may also be impatient because, as a child, you were slow to move and were constantly told to hurry up, and now, that message is in your psyche, which is why you always need to be in a rush. You may be dealing with withdrawal, too, if you are impatient because you need that dopamine rush and are not getting it quickly enough. 

Now you know why some people are more impatient than others, and the truth is, if you want to manifest something, you have to learn to be patient because the Universe will take time to deliver something physically. The larger the thing you want to manifest, the longer it will take for you to attract it. It does not matter how well you are taking action and doing the work to make the Law of Attraction work for you. One of the components for manifesting something correctly is to exercise patience. 

How Can You Become More Patient?

Now that you understand why some are impatient and what the triggers of impatience are, you can learn what it takes to develop patience. Some practical methods help you build patience so you can also be calmer and happier, which will only help to increase your vibration. And you know that a higher vibration will help you attract what you want. 

The first thing to do is to think of that metaphor regarding the tortoise and the hare. You know the saying “slow and steady wins the race,” and that is the truth, so how can you apply that phrase to your life? One thing you can do is think of all of the things that you rushed in your life and ended up with negative results. 

One example is if you wanted to lose 20 lbs in a month because you wanted to slim down quickly, and then once you reached that goal, you gained 40 lbs rapidly. So there is a reason it is best not to lose more than two pounds a week regarding weight loss. 

Also, if you rushed into a relationship after breaking up with an ex, you would have found that you could not appreciate the partner and were on the rebound. Your partner felt it and ended up breaking up with you. Therefore, you would have ended up with no one once again. Consequently, it would have been best to heal from the breakup before entering a relationship. That is how rushing things end up making life harder for you. 

Another thing you can do is when you are feeling impatient, you will want to catch yourself in the act and then count to ten as you take some deep breaths and practice mindfulness. Tell yourself that “good things do come to those who wait,” and that can be an affirmation you can use when you are feeling the rush of impatience. 

You also want to practice mindfulness and meditation each day so you can naturally learn to become more patient and understand that there is no rush and things come in due time. And with all the techniques provided, you can use them to say calmly when you are impatient. 

The great thing about practicing mindfulness and meditation daily is that it not only helps you become a more patient person but also provides other benefits, such as being able to live a much more stable life. In addition, you will be able to regulate your emotions much better. You will also be able to respond to stress more patiently and calmly when you can practice. 

Therefore, the next time you forget yourself while feeling impatient, and the next time someone says “patience is a virtue, or “hold your horses,” you will not disregard it as a toxic positive statement. Instead, you will acknowledge that they are correct and have that as a reminder to calm down and get back to exercising patience.