You have studied Manifestation and the Law of Attraction, and it makes sense to you. It makes sense that whatever you focus on will expand and inspire you to get what you focus on or what you want. However, you also find that you have not had the opportunity to test it out for yourself because you are unclear about what you want in life. In fact, you have no clue what you really want in life. How can you make the most of manifestation if you do not know what you want? There is one step to take before you get there. That is by asking yourself the following questions, and you will need to answer them honestly.

“What Are My Personal Values?”

That is the first question you need to ask yourself because if you can define your values, you will find a way to live the life you are in alignment with them. You don’t want to end up with any internal conflicts if your set of values are different from what you think you want to manifest. That will only bring negativity into your life which will not serve you in any way you would like. If you do that, you will end up with illnesses, whether they are mental or physical, relationship problems, financial issues, and other problems you will do not want.

You may end up going against your values if you feel pressure to do something. For instance, you are looking to date someone and not sure what you want to find in a partner. You know that you want to find a partner regardless of their religion or ethnicity. However, your family insists that you find a partner of the same religion or ethnicity as you. You feel pressured to do that, which means you are limiting your options and could end up settling for less than what you deserve. Of course, you may find the best partner even in that situation. However, you are still limiting yourself by giving in to pressure. 


You may not know what you want to do in life, and as a result, you could be working at a job that makes you very unhappy. Perhaps the job bores you, or you are over-qualified for it. You need to evaluate your core values and likes; if you can discover your passion, you can begin to manifest the job of your dreams. You have to be open to taking courses for the line of work you want to do, but at the same time, as much as you dislike your current job, you will need to stay there, so you have an income while you go through the education. Once you complete it and know you have the qualifications for it, you can begin to look for a job! That is the time to apply the Law of Attraction! As long as you stay focused, you will find that job one way or another. Then, you can finally leave the job that is not making you happy.


The one thing that most people do not even think about is their health goals. They go through the motions daily, and part of that is eating a poor diet and living a sedentary life. Is that the type of life that you want if this describes you? If so, then don’t change anything. If not, then it is time to create a plan of action to improve your lifestyle to attain better health.

However, you will need to ask additional questions before you begin to set goals for your health. Changing health habits takes work and dedication, and you need to find the “why” you want to improve your health. For example, are you due for a medical checkup soon, and you don’t want your doctor giving you a hard time? Do you have kids that you want to support throughout their lives? Or, do you plan on meeting a partner one day? If you find your “why,” you will have a much easier time setting health goals, and you will also have an easier time applying the Law of Attraction to attain a healthy body. That is because you will know for a fact that you want to be healthier.


There is a good chance you are not happy with your financial situation because you may not think you can do anything to improve it. However, if you think about it deeply, and if you want to manifest more money, you can make some changes. Once you can honestly answer whether you are happy with your financial situation, you will know whether you want to improve it or not. If you are making enough money to keep yourself comfortable and not looking to live an extravagant life, don’t change anything.

However, if you are tired of living from paycheck to paycheck and tired of living in debt, you know that you are not happy with your financial situation. So what can you do to change it? First, you can begin looking for discounts and sales and start looking for specials. You can also create a monthly budget, and at the same time, look into building a side-hustle. Once you plan to improve your financial situation, you can begin to apply the Law of Attraction to it.

You can ask yourself other questions about what you truly want in life, and once you find the answers, you can set a goal to attain it. Ensure that you set small milestone goals so you can find a reason not to lose your focus. You can change your life and go after what you truly want as long as you are honest when you ask that question:

“What Do I Want In Life?”

Then, it will not be challenging to know what you genuinely want and need, and the tools are in front of you for attaining them!

What are your personal values
What do you want to do for work?
What are your health goals?
How much money do you want?