Are you ready for another Full Moon? If not, you will want to be because on April 16th. There will be a Libra Full Moon, also known as the Pink Moon. This is the first Full Moon of the astrological year as Aries is the first sign. The Pink Moon has the name because it has been known to illuminate the North American wildflower pink moss phlox. 

The Meaning Of The Full Libra Moon

Libra is all about balance, beauty, and harmony, and this is a great time to find some balance in your life. During this Pink Full Moon, the best thing you can do is create balance and harmony through reflection, honest conversations, and taking accountability for anything in your control that did not go well in your life. It is also a great time to collaborate and introduce beauty back into your life. Now that you know how the Pink Moon will affect you, it has the most significant effect on those with cardinal rising, sun, and moon signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. However, it can affect anyone, and you can use the Full Moon’s energies to your advantage when it comes to manifestation. 

How To Manifest With The Pink Moon

Based on the nature of the Full Moon, you can manifest anything that you wish. Still, if you want to manifest more creativity, money, and relationships, this Full Moon can push you when it comes to making the Law of Attraction work for you when it comes to those related to Libra. Manifesting beauty works well with this Pink Full Moon as Libra rules beauty. Therefore, if you want to lose weight or improve your image in other ways, that is another thing to focus on during this Full Moon. 

There is no right or wrong way to do a Full Moon manifestation ritual, as you can do the same type of ritual as you would for any Full Moon. However, you know that you have to find a sacred room and smudge it with sage to clear it. Or, you could always go outside, so you are in contact with the earth. Then you focus on what you want to manifest, write it down, meditate and visualize what you want, and imagine that you have it. Pay attention to your feelings and emotions as you visualize you getting what you want to attract. 

Then when you finish, thank the Universe, and either burn the paper where you wrote down what you wanted to attract or bury it. 

If that is what you want to do for any Full Moon ritual, it will work with the Pink Moon. However, there is a specific Pink Moon manifestation ritual that you can utilize if you prefer to work specifically with the Libra Full Moon energies. Let’s talk about that now. 

The Pink Moon Manifestation Ritual

If you want to attract more money, a new relationship, reconcile with an ex or friend with whom you got into a spat, creativity, or add more beauty to your life, you would like to know about this Pink Moon manifestation ritual. 

What you will need for this ritual is at least one pink candle, a candle holder, Moonstone or rose quartz, pink flowers, and a pen and paper. You can wear pink clothing if that is what you want to do. However, you know the smudge in the room where you want to do the ritual to clear it of old or negative energies. And if you have an altar, put the pink flowers on it. If not, you can place them on the floor near you. If you want to do the ritual outside, there is no need to smudge and place the flowers near you. 

As you do this, please focus on the things you want to attract and do it with a positive mindset as you want to draw right now, having a successful ritual that will speak to the Universe. You want to keep your vibration high as you do this ritual. 

If you can see the Full Moon where you are, then look at it intently. Or, if you happen to live in an area where tall buildings are blocking the Moon, then envision it. And as you look at it, keep it with a positive mindset and one that is excited and hopeful. Finally, as you focus on the Moon, take your paper and pen and write down what you want to attract and your intentions to make the Law of Attraction work for you, so you do attract what you want. 

If you want a new relationship or to reconcile with one, write it down with a clear intention. If you want more money, write it down. If you’re going to attract more creativity, once again, write it down. However, you don’t want to focus on too many things at once as that could cause you to lose your focus which can inadvertently lower your vibration. The Universe will respond to you if you are clear about your intentions. Therefore, it is best not to work on manifesting more than two things at once. 

Once you take that step, envision yourself having what you want to attract and get into a mode of positivity and excitement. And feel that your dreams are blooming. Then put the paper underneath the candle holder, place the pink candle, and light it. Then put your Moonstone or quartz in your hands and hold them as you envision your wishes coming true. Let the candle burn, and then place your crystal by the window sill so the Full Moon can charge it. 

You can also recite affirmations as you do this by saying how much you love the thing you are attracting or whatever is fitting to you. For example, you can say, “I am rich,” “I live in abundance,” “I am with the one who I love,” “My ex is back with me,” or whatever is relevant to what you are attracting. And you will want to hold that high vibrational mindset and belief that you are attracting what you want. You know that the Universe has your back, and as long as you keep your vibration high and take appropriate actions to go after what you want, you will manifest what you want!