You may often hear the terms Law of Attraction and Manifestation used interchangeably. Therefore, you may think they mean the same thing. However, even though those terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between the two. Understanding the nuances of how they are different will help you utilize the Law of Attraction correctly to manifest your desires and dreams.

The Law of Attraction vs Manifestation

In a nutshell, as you know, the Law of Attraction is all about how like attracts like. It is a universal law that is a noun. Manifestation is the act of making the Law of Attraction work in your favor. Manifestation is an action. That means the Law of Attraction is all about your core beliefs, thoughts ingrained in your subconscious from frequent conscious thinking and your energy that is attracting your situation. Manifestation is the art of doing that. So both go hand in hand.

It is important to understand both the Law of Attraction and Manifestation to make them work for you. Firstly, let’s go over the basic principles of the Law of Attraction so you have a clear understanding of what it is. After that, we’ll delve more deeply into the art of manifestation so you can harness its power.

“what are the principles of the law of attraction?”

The Law of Attraction

You already know that the concept of like attracting like characterizes the Law of Attraction. Whatever vibration you give out attracts the same vibration, which is why you attract certain people and situations into your life. However, that does not mean that you will change your vibration if you keep your vibration high and you have a negative thought or a bad day. As long as you don’t nurture those negative thoughts, you will be okay.

The best way to think about the Law of Attraction working is if your core belief is that you deserve wealth, you will put that belief into action and attract it. On the other hand, if you don’t believe you deserve wealth, you will encounter situations that will keep you struggling financially. That shows you the like attracting like concept.

How do you develop those beliefs? You create them through your mindset. If you are not attracting the things you want and realize that your mindset is not favorable, that is why. You will want to work on changing it for the better. Another way to make the Law of Attraction work for you is to visualize what you want and be clear about it. You also have to realize that all of your choices have consequences.

Here is an example of a choice you are making having consequences, including making better choices. You realize that you have been living with having a negative mindset. That is why you attract a low-paying job with a lot of debt and friends who are in a similar situation with a similar attitude to you. You may not have known it at the time, but you utilized the Law of Attraction in a negative way.

However, after realizing this, you want to change for the better. You know you want to become a better person that achieves much more. Once you start attracting better things, you will find that your friends will begin to fall away from your life. That is because you are changing, and your friends don’t like it because your changes no longer resonate with them or match their vibrations. The consequence you have after making that choice to raise your vibration is that you are losing friends. Therefore, for a short while, you may feel a little bereft.  However, that is temporary because you will attract better friends with higher vibrational mindsets into your life.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of the Law of Attraction, let’s go over how to use manifestation to make it work for you! Let’s stick with the example of you wanting to improve your life which involves plenty of manifestation to make that happen. 

“how to use manifestation to make the law of attraction work in your favor”

You’ve mastered “like attracts like” and the other principles of the Law of Attraction. Now, let’s go over how you can manifest what you want to attract. You have had it with living a mediocre life which meant you were giving off a mediocre vibration. Once you learned this, you desired to change for the better. That means it is time to master the art of manifestation.

The first thing to do is to create a positive affirmation that you feel is accurate for you, such as saying that you are worthy. Say it often, so not only do you believe it more, but it sticks in your subconscious. You will also want to spend time meditating, improving your diet, and adding exercise into your life. For example, you decided to quit eating fast food, and you are taking the time to cook healthy meals at home! In a short time after being consistent with that, your vibration will slowly elevate. That is also when you begin to look for a better job because you know a better fit for you—a higher-quality job that will make you feel better about yourself.

Stay consistent with these positive changes. Once your friends notice that you are no longer matching their negative vibration, they will begin to flee. You may be sad about it, but you also realize that these friends are not good for the new life you are manifesting for yourself. As long as you keep up with your manifestation, you will be living a much better life sooner than you imagined.

The Law of Attraction vs Manifestation are two parts to the whole. The Law of Attraction is simply a term to describe the like attracts like concept whereas Manifestation is an act of creation. Its the physical result of putting the Law of Attraction into practice. When you apply manifestation to harness the power of the Law of Attraction, you can attract better things to you and you live a better life.
