When uncanny things happen, such as you talking about someone and that individual calls you right after, you will call it a coincidence. Or, you hear of a name that you have never heard before, and suddenly you see that name everywhere, such as on social media, the radio, television, etc. 

You may also come into a situation where you talk to someone online for the first time, and their interests are almost identical to yours, so is that a coincidence too? Is there such a thing as a coincidence? That is something that many people do wonder about. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of coincidence is:

1. the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection

2. the act or condition of coinciding: CORRESPONDENCE

But why do these things happen? So let’s go over that from the Law of Attraction perspective. 

Are Coincidences A Thing?

Here is the thing, there are uncanny things such as those mentioned above that do emerge from time to time. And they are challenging to explain, but the one thing you have to wonder about is whether these are true coincidences or if the Law of Attraction is at work. You may think there could be truth to both of those things, but let’s delve into this further, and you can come up with a conclusion. You always have to remember one thing, as you are the one that creates your reality. 

Your Reality Is The Result Of Your Creation

Here is the thing, many things that happen in your life may be out of your control, and you will know what those things are. But many of the situations that occur in your life are things within your control. You may not realize it, but your subconscious plays a huge role in what happens in your life. Therefore, your subconscious wants, and energy will manifest onto the physical plane. 

Therefore, that means your constant thoughts will seep into your subconscious, and that will cause you to emit a particular frequency. That is why you will attract anything that you put a lot of focus on, even if you don’t consciously realize it. 

Therefore, going back to the example mentioned previously, if you hear of an unusual name and keep thinking about it, you will begin to see that name or hear that name everywhere. You will come across people with that name on social media. You will listen to it on the news or the radio or see the name in other places. Since you focus on that name, you are now attracting different sources where you are hearing and seeing that name constantly. 

You may think that is a coincidence, but you did attract it. That is neither a positive nor a negative thing, as it is a neutral thing, but it does not matter. That is an example of how the Law of Attraction works. Whatever you focus on expands, and like attracts like.

The Universe responds to everything that you and everyone else send to it. That can work beautifully as well in some situations where one person wants to manifest something in their life that requires someone else’s help. 

For instance, if you have a plumbing problem and do not have a plumber, but you are focusing on getting a good one, you may “coincidentally” meet a plumber while going out and getting a coffee. For example, you may tell the barista that you have a plumbing problem to strike up a conversation. The person standing in line behind you overhears the conversation and happens to be that plumber you are looking for to fix the issue. 

From The Law Of Attraction Perspective, There Is No Such Thing As Coincidences 

The idea that coincidences do not exist when you think about it in terms of the Law of Attraction may be unsettling. But here is the thing, you have the awareness that whatever you focus on, you are putting out to the Universe. So, therefore, that will make you think about if you are happy with the experiences in your life. If you answer “yes,” you are putting out the things you want to happen to the Universe. 

However, if you look at your life and are not happy with how it is turning out, that is also a wake-up call for you to make some changes. As mentioned, some things that happen are entirely out of your control. But think of the things that have been in your control and how your life has turned out. Let’s go over an exercise you can do to see how the Universe responds to everything you put out to it. 

Think About The Coincidences That Had Happened In Your Life And Then Evaluate Your Life

You may not remember every coincidence that occurred in your life, but some are memorable. Take a notepad and write down everything that happened that seemed to be coincidental that you can remember. You will likely place a lot of incidents that happened that seemed uncanny such as thinking about someone, and they suddenly appear. Once you recognize the odd things that occurred, evaluate how you feel your life turned out. 

As mentioned, some things may be out of your control, such as being born with a condition or being shorter than you want to be. And the thing is, you don’t want to focus on how much you dislike those things about yourself, or else you will attract situations that will make you feel worse about them. 

You want to evaluate your level of success, your friendships, and your other relationships, and you will see that there is a connection between all of that and the thoughts and feelings that you constantly have. That gives so many people the opportunity to realize that they have been attracting less than desirable things in their lives and gives them the chance to make changes to begin to attract the things they want. 

Remember this, there is no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to the Law of Attraction perspective, and you are the creator of your reality, most of the time, that is!