Are you checking your phone hundreds of times a day to see if you are getting a text from someone in particular? Do you have a crush that you want to hear from, and because of that, you always check your smartphone to see if they will text you? Each time you receive a text notification, do you jump and become very disappointed each time you see that text is from someone else? If any of this describes you, know that you are not alone in how you feel. 

It is a known fact that it is more than disappointing each time you wait for something to come and do not. You keep waiting and waiting, and that famous meme with a skeleton sitting and looking at something that you see shared on social media feels like that is your situation. All you do is wait for that text from that special someone, and you are sad and disappointed that it is not coming. 

However, here is some good news about what you can do about the text you want to receive from a particular person. You can manifest it. That is right, you can attract the text, and before you know it, it will happen. More about that later, but let’s talk about how you can manifest that text now. 

Manifesting A Text From That Special Someone Is Possible

Perhaps the text that you want to manifest is from a crush or even an ex, or it could be a friend or a family member. And it is possible that you can do it if you apply the Law of Attraction. Does that make you skeptical? If so, it is understandable since it is one of those things that may sound like it is too good to be true, especially since you have been disappointed by the failure to receive that text that you want. You can even manifest the words you want to receive in the text, but if you don’t, and you don’t think it is possible, then the skepticism you feel is the very thing that will block this from happening. 

And the first thing you need to do if you want to receive this text from that specific individual is to remove all skeptical beliefs. Those beliefs will stop you from manifesting the text as they will lower your vibration. You need to believe that it is possible and the Universe will deliver it to you. So if you are ready to manifest the text that you want and remove all blockages because of the lack of faith, let’s talk about how you can start. 

You Need To Know How The Text You Want To Receive Will Appear

What does the text you want to manifest from a specific person look like, and what do you want it to say? Perhaps you are not picky about the words in the text as you may only want them to say “hi, how are you”? type of thing. 

The point is you need to have a clear image of what you want the text to say to send the proper message to the Universe. If you are not clear about the message you want to receive, you could still receive the text from that individual but not necessarily the text you want. For example, if you want to receive a text from your ex, but you are not clear on what you want your ex to tell you, you could manifest that text, but it will be a text you may not want to see. For example, the text could be your ex telling you that they have found their dream partner and plan to marry them. 

That is not something you want to see, and if you want to get a text from your ex, you want to be clear on the type of text they send you. So that would not be it. So now you know what text you want to receive, you will want to start the next step. 

Visualize Yourself Receiving The Text And Act As It Happens

Once you know what type of text to receive, visualize yourself receiving it. Imagine yourself right then and there getting the text and having a lot of excitement over getting it. Imagine yourself reading it and feeling good that you had gotten it. And you can envision yourself having a conversation back and forth with the individual. 

Before you begin visualizing it, you want to get into a calm state of mind after meditating, and you also want to feel excitement as well. Excitement is a positive emotion that will help you increase your vibration to receive it. You also want to take excellent care of yourself at all times, which will help you increase your vibration. 

You also want to act as if you are getting the text from the individual you want to get it from by getting excited each time the phone dings or vibrates. But, again, if you bring this into the present, you are doing a great job manifesting. 

You Want To Detach And Let Go

That is the difficult part. You do not want to get too hung up on the outcome, or else that will kill your manifestation work. Keep visualizing and acting as if you receive the text, and allow the Universe to do its work. Do not keep looking at your phone to see if the text arrived. The best thing is to occupy your mind with other things which will help keep your vibration high. Detachment is essential for allowing the Universe to do its work by not worrying about it. 

And if you don’t receive a text from someone you want, you may encounter them in other ways instead. Therefore, be open to that possibility. The Universe works in ways that you cannot always comprehend. Either way, this manifestation activity works, but the outcome may be different from what you would expect to happen.