The idea of having the perfect day sounds like a pipe dream, but when it comes to the Law of Attraction, you can manifest anything. That also means you can also plan your perfect day. But how is that possible since situations that are out of your control can happen, such as unexpectedly getting into a car accident or, on a more trivial note, being stuck in a traffic jam for an hour, making you late for work? 

Situations like that can happen, and if they do, you will need to adjust how you handle them accordingly to make your day as positive as possible. But, unfortunately, the perfect day does not necessarily mean it is a day without hurdles and obstacles because the reality is, life will throw curveballs at you. But, as long as you know that and don’t dwell on that (because dwelling on that will create a stressful day for you which will defeat the purpose), you can still make the perfect day. So, let’s not talk about those hurdles right now, and let’s save that for the end about what to do to have a perfect day despite them! 

Examine Your Plans That You Have For The Day The Night Before

You can create the best day by setting an intention the night before how you want the next day to go for you. What do you have planned for the next day? Do you have a job interview? Do you have a presentation at work? Do you have a meeting with your child’s teacher? Then you will want to ask yourself how you want those events to go. The best thing to happen is that you want them to go well. It is important to detach yourself from the outcome. That means you do not want your day to depend on whether you get that job if you have an interview. Or, if you have a work presentation, you will not want your day to depend on whether or not everyone is happy with it. Or, if you have a meeting with your child’s teacher, you do not want to think about the teacher’s responses to your concerns. 

What you want to focus on is being happy with conducting those things. You want to feel good about presenting yourself. That has nothing to do with the outcome. If you are pleased with how those things went because of how you conducted yourself, you will be happy with how the day goes. Now, let’s go over what you need to do once you wake up the next day. 

Start Reciting Affirmations And Operate On A High Frequency Throughout The Day

You already know that you will attract good things if you keep your vibration high. If you can keep your vibration high, you can achieve that perfect day. Therefore, you will want to make sure you do not wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Once you wake up and wash up, recite the affirmation “I am having the perfect day” or “I am happy with how this day is going.” That way, you will begin to look forward to what you will do for the day. You will have a positive attitude towards the tasks you need to complete and the other responsibilities you have for the day. 

That means if you have that job interview, you will be emitting a high frequency to the point that you will enjoy having the interview. You will feel that it went exceptionally well, and the same goes for the presentation or parent-teacher interview if that is what you are doing. The outcome is not on your mind because it can dent your day if you think about that. You also need to enjoy the time for yourself to unwind. 

Add Time For Self-Care And Self-Pampering

Your perfect day has to include some self-care and some self-pampering, which will make the day even better. So, therefore, make sure you add time for that in your day, and you will want to do that daily. Meditation and yoga time include that. You should add that several times in your day to make it even better. 

Let’s go over the example of you having a job interview. You wake up; you are reciting your affirmations. You eat a healthy breakfast, and then you make time to do some yoga. You are having a great day so far. Next, you do some tasks such as grocery shopping, and you find the groceries you need; the cashier at the checkout is friendly, which makes your day better. You have a healthy, delicious lunch, and then you are off to the interview. You conducted yourself well for the interview, and you are thrilled with how it went. You are not thinking about whether you get the job or not. However, you head home, do more yoga or meditation before dinner. You do your chores, and you are happy to do them because you are in a high vibrational state, and then you pamper yourself by unwinding to watch your favorite movie. What an excellent day, right? 

However, what if an unexpected hurdle came up, such as getting into a minor car accident on the way home or getting into a traffic jam? Let’s talk about what to do when unexpected hurdles come up. 

How Can You Still Have Your Perfect Day When Unexpected Hurdles Come Up?

It is unrealistic to think that unexpected situations will happen because life throws curveballs at you. The best thing to do is to be resourceful. You do not want to think about getting into a car accident because if you think about it too much, you could attract that. But it can still happen even if you don’t. It is always to prepare for anything to happen. If you have easy access to the phone numbers to call if a situation were to happen, and you know you are being taken care of, the problem will be easier to handle. 

Practice grounding and calming techniques, and listen to them on your smartphone if you need guidance, as there are plenty of Law of Attraction apps that offer that. The same goes if you are in a traffic jam. Listen to apps in your car that can help keep your frequency high such as affirmations and anything else that will make you happy. Make sure that you take excellent care of yourself when situations like that arise!

The perfect day does not mean a day without challenges because it would not be realistic to think otherwise. However, the bottom line is if you can keep your vibration high no matter what happens, detach from any outcomes, and you take excellent care of yourself, you can have your perfect day anyway!