As everyone experiences those emotions, jealousy and envy are very human and valid emotions when someone else has something you don’t have. Envy is when you wish you had something that someone else had, but when it comes to jealousy, you deal with feelings of envy with resentment mixed in there. 

For example, you are working at a job you do not like and actively looking for another job. You wanted and applied for one job, but the company turned you down, which left you disappointed. However, you also found out that your cousin got the position at that company you wanted, and you are feeling extremely jealous. Not only do you have more credentials than your cousin to work for that job, but your cousin is not a nice person, and you don’t think they deserve that position that you should have had! Therefore, it is understandable that you would want jealous of your cousin for getting that job you wanted. 

But, here is the thing. When you talk about jealousy and the Law of Attraction, hanging onto the jealous and envious feelings will not help you manifest anything you want. 

Why Envy And Jealousy Are Detrimental To The Law Of Attraction

Here is the thing. When you are talking about the Law of Attraction, you know that like attracts like, and if you want to use the Law of Attraction to manifest something amazing, you have to be at a high vibrational frequency, which means you have to be in a default positive state of mind. So, for example, if you are hanging onto envy and jealousy, that lowers your vibration significantly. So, therefore, you will not attract what you want if you stay in a jealous mindset. 

In fact, you will keep attracting situations that will cause you to be jealous of others, keeping you miserable. Now, that is not what you want if you want to manifest great things such as a better job, for example. But, if you have feelings of jealousy and envy creeping in, don’t get scared, as those feelings alone are not going to prevent you from manifesting what you want. Those are human emotions, remember, but it all has to do with what you do with those emotions. 

So, let’s talk about how you can use those emotions of jealousy and envy in your favor so you can make the Law of Attraction work for you. But the first thing to do is talk about why you may have jealousy in the first place. 

Jealousy Comes From A Scarcity, Impatience, And Doubtful Mindset

When you hear news about someone getting something you want and feel jealous of, you need to catch yourself in the moment and examine why you have those feelings. The fact is when you are jealous, you are coming from a scarcity mindset. You are coming from feelings of lack, and when you hear of someone having what you want, that makes you believe that you are missing out and not deserving of what they have. 

Going back to that example, with your cousin landing the job you wanted, perhaps your cousin was a better fit for the position than you were even though you wanted it. It is natural to feel jealous, but if you want to raise your vibration, you have to realize that you may not be a good fit for the job that your cousin landed. And that means you have to have faith that the job you want is waiting for you! But why have you not gotten it yet? Because your vibration has been too low because of staying jealous and having a scarcity mindset. 

Therefore, the first thing to do is get yourself out of the lack mindset and shift it to abundance. Jealousy also comes from impatience as you want the job, and you want it now. Impatience will also lower your vibration, and you have to remember that the timing for you to get the new job is not correct right now. Therefore, if you can shift your mindset to trusting that the Universe knows its right timing for you, that will help you have more patience and faith. 

Also, once again, jealousy comes from a doubtful mindset which means you are doubtful that you will get what you want. That also lowers your vibration. Therefore, you will see how staying in a jealous mindset kills your vibration and kills your chances of attracting what you want. But, there is good news as awareness is the key, and you can use jealousy to shift your mindset, so you operate at a higher frequency. 

How Jealousy Can Help You Attract What You Want

Even though jealousy is a low vibrational emotion, some good comes from it. Jealousy is a sign that you know what you want, which is essential for making the Law of Attraction work for you. You have clarity of what you want, and the idea of getting what you want excites you. Now that you know that, it is time to make some shifts to get into a positive mind frame to emit a higher frequency and attract what you want. 

As mentioned, you need to get yourself into an abundance mind frame, which means to stop comparing others having what you want to not having what they have. Comparison is the thief of joy, and when you realize that, you will begin to focus on you having what you want and knowing that you are deserving of what you want. 

You will also want to harness the power of affirmations to make yourself believe you deserve what you want. For instance, if you want a new job and you are actively applying to different employers, you can say, “I deserve a job that makes me happy.” And if you can recite this several times a day, you will begin not to care that others have the job you want. Instead, you will believe it is waiting for you and that you will find it at the right time. 

Envisioning yourself with what you want is something you need to do each day, too, as you can create a vision board or a journal that will keep you focused. You also want to develop an attitude of gratitude by thinking of at least three blessings each day, so you realize that you live an abundant life that will take you away from the feelings of lack. The more you direct your focus on what you want and your worthiness of attracting it, the less you will care about what others have, and before you know it, you will attract what you want by being in the perfect mind frame and emitting the perfect vibration to attract it.