If you are new at making the Law of Attraction work for you, you may not realize how impactful mastering the meditation for Law of Attraction is. Meditation specifically to manifest the things you want to attract is a robust activity and tool as making a habit of it can help you increase your frequency. 

Therefore, your energy can match the energy of the thing you want to attract, whether it is money, a relationship, or better health. There are so many books on the Law of Attraction. But many of them don’t correctly instruct you on how to master the meditation for the Law of Attraction. Let’s first talk about why mastering this meditation is essential for your manifestation abilities before going into it. 

Why Do You Need To Master The Law Of Attraction Meditation?

Here is the thing. Stressful life events happen and are inevitable. Your boss gets upset with you for whatever reason, or you end up late at work because of being in a traffic jam. Your child is sick or is struggling at school, or you have a stressful caregiving job for your aging parent. Your car breaks down, or your kitchen appliance goes. 

The list can go on as to what can cause stress. And when you do not manage stress, you begin to have negative thoughts and beliefs. And when you continuously have negative thoughts and beliefs, you become sad, pessimistic, and overall negative, which will bring down your vibration. Therefore, your low vibration will keep attracting stressful events, and you cannot possibly manifest anything better in your life. Unfortunately, outside events such as the examples provided can lower your vibration. However, you have it within you to keep your frequency as high as possible. 

You need a support system and involve yourself in activities that make you happy during stressful times. In addition, you need to practice self-care, and there is one thing you can do that will raise your vibration regardless of what stress you are currently facing in life. 

The best thing you can do is unclutter your thoughts and your mind and calm yourself down as you do it. Therefore, the only way you can do that is through manifestation meditation. If you practice this meditation daily, you will raise your vibration and put yourself into a much better position to manifest what you want in life. Now, let’s go over the steps to take to learn the meditation for Law of Attraction so you can become a pro at it!

How To Do A Manifestation Meditation

Now you realize that making a habit of doing meditation for the Law of Attraction daily will help increase your vibration regardless of what occurs in your life. And you want to ensure that you set aside 15 minutes a day to do this, as it is essential to do. It does not matter when you do the meditation, whether in the morning, afternoon, or evening. For example, some people prefer to do meditation in the evening before going to bed to help clear their minds. 

Some prefer to do meditation in the morning before work, so they function on a clear mind. On the other hand, some may want to do meditation during their lunch break to help clear out the negativity that has happened during the first part of the day. There is no right or wrong way of doing meditation as long as you do it. Let’s now go over the steps to do this manifestation meditation. 

The First Step Is To Relax

Find somewhere quiet and comfortable and an area where no one will disturb you. Get into a comfortable position. And then do what you need to do that will relax you. For example, you may want to sit comfortably in a chair, or you may want to lie on the floor with some pillows. You may want to put some soft music on a low volume with a scented candle going. You want to relax and then begin to focus. 

Start To Focus

Once you are relaxed, you will want to focus on your breathing as you want to inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. You will see how your chest begins to rise and then falls as you breathe. Count about 20 times as you breathe, and intrusive thoughts will enter, but allow them to pass as you do not want to suppress them. This is expected to happen, as that is your mind clearing them out. If you need to count for longer than 20 times as you breathe, you can. Once you achieve what you do, you will want to take the next step. 

It Is Time To Open Your Heart So You Can Bring Yourself Abundance

Once you have completed the previous step, you will want to start opening your heart by saying, “I am opening my heart to the abundance that is coming to me,” or anything that you feel would suit you better. Imagine your heart opening up, and imagine a glowing light in the middle of your heart. Think about how you feel as you open your heart as well. Do you get a warm sensation? Is it calming? Then you are ready to take the next step. 

Visualize The Things You Want To Attract

What do you want to attract? You will want to use your imagination to think about what you want in your life. And be crystal clear on it too. For instance, if you’re going to attract more money, imagine holding the coins and bills, smelling them, and feeling them sliding on your hands. You want to use your senses as you visualize. 

Suppose you complete these steps and stick to this manifestation meditation daily for 15 minutes. In that case, you will find that fewer life circumstances bother you, and you will have a much easier time rising above them. That will be key for attracting anything you want and making the Law of Attraction work for you!