You have desires and dreams, and you want to manifest them into your life, whether it is more money, weight loss, or even manifesting a few friends to cheer you on. So you do what you can to learn about the Law of Attraction, and you are ready to start raising your vibration so you can attract what you want until you ruin your chances of that happening through self-sabotage. You know the saying that “you are your worst enemy,” and unfortunately, that is true when it comes to the reason why you don’t allow yourself to make the Law of Attraction work for you. 

For instance, you are ready to lose weight and manifest a slimmer and healthier body. You read everything about making the Law of Attraction work, and you are pumped to get moving on it – until you start buying junk food and eating it every night, which kills the seeds you planted for your weight loss manifestation. Why do you do that? The answer is simple yet so complex, and that is self-sabotage. 

Why Do So Many People Self-Sabotage When Attempting To Manifest Their Dreams?

Self-sabotage is when you hold yourself back from the things you want to manifest in your life by thinking and doing things that will make you less likely to make the Law of Attraction work for you. Therefore, you intend to increase your vibration, but when you self-sabotage, you keep vibrating at a low frequency, so you are a lot less likely to succeed. But here is the question, why do so many people ruin their chances of succeeding if they genuinely want it? Why do they keep sabotaging their chances of attracting what they want?

Self-sabotage happens when your conscious mind is at odds with your subconscious mind. Therefore, your conscious mind wants to attract those things and make the Law of Attraction work, but your subconscious mind is what ruins your chances of that happening. For example, your subconscious mind is the culprit for eating junk food when you manifest a healthier and slimmer body. And at the same time, your subconscious mind is where your inner critic resides. That is the area of your brain that holds you back by causing self-destructive behavior, so you fail and attain the things you want. 

Other examples of self-sabotage are when you are working on manifesting a new job, and potential employers call you for an interview, but you ignore the calls. Procrastination is also a form of self-sabotage. 

But here is some good news! Now that you know this, knowledge is half the battle. That means once you realize that the reason you cannot achieve what you want and manifest the things you desire is that your subconscious is getting in the way of that, you now have the power to change your subconscious, so you have no problem with manifesting what you want. But here is the thing, once you start working on your subconscious and understanding why it is preventing you from manifesting what you want, you will see it is not an overnight process. 

How Can You Stop Self-Sabotaging And Begin Succeeding At Manifestation?

The thing is, you have to understand that your subconscious “protects” you from having to face adverse outcomes and further disappointment when your conscious mind wants to manifest your dreams. Therefore, it gets in the way, which is how you self-destruct. Consequently, you cannot make the Law of Attraction work on your side as a result. That is a form of self-preservation when you think about it, but it keeps you small. 

But here is the thing, why does your subconscious cause you to self-destruct? That will take a lot of strength and having to face a lot of pain when you begin digging into your subconscious. First, you have to pick apart why you deep down believe you are not worthy of manifesting what you want. It would have likely come from early childhood experiences. Perhaps you were bullied when you were younger, which ruined your self-confidence. Maybe your parents constantly criticized you and put you down. So your subconscious took on your parents’ voice as your inner critic. And you would have even a more difficult time of it if you were bullied at school and home. 

However, children who are fortunate to deal with excessive bullying and grow up in accepting and loving environments are less likely to struggle with self-sabotage than their not-so-lucky counterparts. If you fall into the latter category, you can reverse that and teach your subconscious to make you believe that you are worthy of manifesting what you want so you can do it without any resistance. 

Inner Work And Affirmations Will Help Tame Your Inner Critic 

You will have to do a lot of shadow work to heal your subconscious through therapy if necessary. In addition, you will want to add reciting affirmations about you being worthy of manifesting what you want, as you literally can say, “I am worthy of manifesting my dreams.” The more you say it, the more you will believe it. The more you believe your affirmations, the more they will seep into your subconscious. This is how you can not only tame your inner critic but will stop self-sabotaging. 

It takes a lot of work to work through your subconscious, but you can do it, and you can stop self-sabotaging because you are worthy of manifesting any dream you have. Therefore, if you have attempted to make the Law of Attraction work in the past but you came to the conclusion there is no such thing as LOA, then that was your subconscious attempting to make you fail each time. 

Each time you successfully manifest something, the LOA is legitimate because you fully know you will make your dreams come true. You will also see that your subconscious was doing everything to destroy your manifestation efforts before doing the shadow work and working with your subconscious. That is why it is essential to start your healing process if you want to stop sabotaging your manifestation work and begin to make the Law of Attraction work for you.