Many people have pets, as pets give so much back through pet energy. The pet you have also depends on the pet and your perception of them. Those who love dogs say that dogs are better than any other pet, and those who love cats, hamsters, fish, and so on would say the same about their pets. 

But here is the thing, if you think about the Law of Attraction, do you ever think about your pets’ mindset? Have you thought about whether or not your pets are positive or are mindful? And why would they be? They don’t believe on the same wavelength as humans, and because of that, animals are the ones who go with the flow. 

However, it would surprise you to know that the Law of Attraction does impact pet energy. Yes, perhaps they don’t think the same way as humans do. Maybe they don’t go too deep when it comes to them facing anything that can be an obstacle to manifestation, such as self-doubt. And quite likely, your pets are usually positive because they are always in the present. 

They don’t worry about the future and overthink about the past. Animals can be dealing with trauma if they have a complex history, but aside from that, they focus on the now. However, the way the Law of Attraction impacts pets is the vibrational frequency that they send. They are your mirror. 

Pets Take On Their Owners’ Vibrational Frequencies 

If you are in a good state of mind and feel positive, your pet will be happy and have a positive demeanor. However, if you are ill or feeling low emotionally and mentally, your pet will feel that as well. You would know by your pet being droopy and not having enthusiasm for anything. Therefore, your pets take on the vibrational frequency that you send out. And that should always be a wake-up call to you. 

Suppose your pet looks pretty down and does not show much enthusiasm for anything, and you take your pet to the vet. The vet gives your pet a clean bill of health. In that case, you need to look within and determine why your pet is showing a lack of enthusiasm. If you notice that you are feeling down and full of self-doubt because you are not living the life you want, then that low vibration affects your pet. It creates low pet energy. Yes, it is true as your pet is taking in your negativity. 

Therefore, your pet can give you awareness of your emotional and mental state as they take on the frequencies you are emitting. Those who don’t understand this fact and ignore their emotions will only chalk it up to their dog or cat, being the type that never gets excited when it comes to playing or doing anything. They would call their pet a grump, but they don’t understand that their pet appears that way because of the frequency they are emitting. 

If you ask these individuals if they are living a good life and happy with themselves, they may not even realize that they are emitting a low vibrational frequency even though they admit their lives are mediocre. 

For example, they would say that they don’t like their job, but it is a job and that they are “stuck,” or they are not overly physically healthy, but they blame it on age, making it hard to lose weight. They would not make the connection that their low vibrational frequency (or even emitting that) is why their pet is also low and not happy. Here is the truth, your pets always reflect what is happening in your life. 

Your Pets Always Reflect What Occurs In Your Life

You have a strong bond with your animal, and that is why your pet is highly in tune with you. Now, your pet may be ill, and it may not have anything to do with your frequency. Sometimes, animals get sick the way anyone can. 

But if your pet seems draggy and doesn’t want to play, eat, or go for walks, and the vet does not see anything wrong with them, you need to ask yourself what is happening in your life that is causing your pet to behave negatively? Perhaps it’s low pet energy as a result of your low vibrational energy.

Are you subconsciously thinking about negative things about yourself, and as a result, you are attracting negative situations? For example, are you also depressed, fearful, hurt, anxious, or angry? And as a result, because that affects your mindset, are you not happy with anything happening in your life? Then your pet is clearly showing you that is why you are not attracting the things you want in life through their demeanor. 

Your Pets Can Bring You The Awareness You Need As To Why The Law Of Attraction Is Not Working For You

Your pets can be your most fantastic teacher. That is because your pets are naturally positive, but if they are suddenly not, you need to look within and find a way to work through your mental state and emotions. 

For example, if you have wanted to attract something positive and that thing you wish to has not come to you, then your pet’s negative demeanor is the answer as to why that is the case. It is because you are giving off a low frequency. 

Now that you know that your pets reflect what happens in your life and what happens in your mindset, you can take steps to increase your frequency. For example, you can implement affirmations meditation and adopt an attitude of gratitude. That will help you raise your frequency. And it will show as well by your pets’ demeanor. 

If your pet becomes enthusiastic about playing, taking walks, and eating again, you know you are in a much better mindset. You are then in a much better position to make the Law of Attraction work for you! You can begin to manifest anything you want if you keep operating on a high frequency. 

Therefore, if you want to know how well you are doing with your vibrational energy, pay attention to pet energy and behavior. That tells you everything you need to know.