When you are ready to manifest something, you know it is something you want. Therefore, you manifest it by making the Law of Attraction work. First, you learn about raising your vibration to match the frequency of what it is that you want to attract into your life. Then, you begin to envision what you wish to and recite affirmations while taking the appropriate action to draw it. However, what happens if there are times when you worked so hard to manifest something only to decide that you want to cancel or reverse the manifestation. What if there are times when you felt in your heart you wanted to attract something into your life, and you decided along the way that you no longer feel you need or want it? Is it possible to reverse or cancel a manifestation?

You Can Cancel Or Reverse A Manifestation

The good news is that you can stop a manifestation from coming to fruition. For example, perhaps you want to manifest a new relationship into your life. Still, somewhere along the manifestation process of making that happen, you decided to stay single for a little longer. Or, perhaps you wanted to manifest a new job, but you decided at some point during the process that you are now happy at the job you are at since the company created improvements. Those situations happen often. 

You may think the simplest way to stop manifesting is to no longer take action, and sure you can do that. But what you originally wanted to manifest could still come to fruition. For example, if you originally wanted to manifest a new relationship and decided to stay single for a longer time, a partner should show up. 

And you would then wrestle with being with that partner and staying single, which could create a lot of inner conflicts. The same goes for the new job. You could end up with a job offer that could be excellent, but your heart would not be into it because you are happy again where you are currently working. That, too, could create a lot of inner conflicts. So you want to reverse or cancel a manifestation properly, so you do not end up in those situations. 

How Can You Cancel Or Reverse A Manifestation?

You need to begin the manifestation process again to cancel or reverse the original manifestation. You would need to manifest the opposite of what you originally wanted to attract into your life this time. For example, if you initially started manifesting a new relationship, you decided to stay single for a longer time. As a result, you will envision yourself alone, happy, on the beach, or relaxing on the balcony.

Or, you may imagine yourself only with your single-by-choice friends and only having time for your friends, which means you would not have the time to have a romantic relationship. Instead, envision yourself going to restaurants and vacations with them. That sends the message out to the Universe that you want to cancel the original relationship manifestation so you can enjoy having a single life for an extended time. 

The same would apply to the job situation. You will want to envision yourself working in the best conditions at your current job, and that will be easy for you because you can imagine yourself at the office you currently love. You have to remember to keep your vibration high to cancel or reverse your original manifestation. 

Do not entertain the idea that the things you originally wanted to manifest are coming to you anyway. Do not even think about what will happen if those things come to you because if you reverse it correctly, the original things you wanted to manifest but no longer do will not come to fruition. 

Don’t Forget About Affirmations

While you envision the reversal or cancellation of what you originally wanted to manifest, you need to recite affirmations. Let’s go back to that relationship example. You are envisioning yourself enjoying the single life. You can do anything you choose without having a partner tie you down, and you can enjoy your time with your friends. You will want to add affirmations, too, such as “I love my single life,” “I value being single,” or anything that you feel matches your liking. 

And, let’s also go back to the job situation. You can recite affirmations that have to do with you enjoying your current job to reverse your manifestation of finding a new job. For example, you can say, “I am happy at XYZ Company” or “XYX Company values me as an employee,” That will be an easy reversal since you will use the name of the company where you currently work in your affirmations. You will want to say these affirmations about three to four times a day, and you can record them and listen to them on an mp3 while driving, cooking, cleaning, or doing other chores. 

Always Show Gratitude

You want to ensure that you show the Universe gratitude for what you currently have since you are reversing or canceling your initial manifestation. Thank the Universe for your single life if you no longer want to manifest a relationship. Show gratitude to the Universe for being honored to work at XYZ Company if you’re going to stay at the current job you are at instead of manifesting a new job. You do get the idea. You will see that the reversal or cancellation of the initial manifestation will happen very fast, as it is no different from canceling a subscription. 

There is also another thing to remember. If you change your mind along the way and want to resume your initial manifestations, such as a new relationship, a new job, or anything else, you can do that. All you need to do is start once again from scratch when it comes to manifesting the initial things that you wanted to attract into your life before deciding to cancel or reverse. Remember that you are always in control of what you want to manifest or no longer wish to manifest into your life.