You know that when it comes to the Law of Attraction, you have to vibrate at a particular frequency to attract what you want. The frequency must be high as you have to believe and have a positive mind frame to make the Law of Attraction work for you in your favor. However, what if it comes to utilizing specific tools to make manifestation easier for you, such as tarot cards? You can use the tarot cards for manifestation, and it is not hard if you are into the Tarot or read it for fun or a living. Now, let’s talk about how you can utilize Tarot to make the Law of Attraction work for you. But before getting into the nitty-gritty of that, let’s talk more about Tarot. 

The One Thing To Remember About Tarot Is That It Is About Energy

Law of Attraction and manifestation are all about energy, in addition to the Tarot. All the tarot cards do is read your energy and connect with those around you to predict what you are manifesting and if the very thing you are attracting is in motion. There are some things that you are attracting that are manifesting now as they align with your energy. That is how predictions happen. 

However, here is the thing. If you don’t like what you are manifesting, it is a sign for you to increase your vibration and make a change to manifest something much better. That is why Tarot and free will go hand in hand. Tarot is a way to show you what path you are on so you know what you are manifesting. 

For example, you want to lose weight, but you are not in the mind frame to make it work. You may lack motivation, but you may also have doubts that you can make your weight loss happen. Therefore, if you were to do a tarot reading asking if the path you are on right now will help you manifest a healthy and slimmer body, you would end up receiving a tarot card Seven of Pentacles in reverse that means based on the path you are on, you are not going to lose weight successfully. 

Therefore, the Tarot tells you that you will not manifest what you want because you are not operating at the vibration that will help you attract a slimmer and healthier body. But there is good news. You can consult with the Tarot to help you learn how you can raise your frequency to attract what you want. 

Tarot Cards Can Guide You On How To Raise Your Frequency

You can always receive guidance from the Tarot about how you can raise your frequency to make the Law of Attraction work for you. First, you would have to sit and listen to what the cards tell you. For example, if you ask the Tarot that question and pull Temperance, you need to be patient, develop faith, and believe that you will receive what you want. Then, the Temperance tarot card guides you to meditation so you can quiet your mind and begin envisioning the thing that you want to manifest. Or, you could end up with another card by asking that question, and that one could be the Tower, which is a message to you that you need to immediately destroy everything that is holding you back from attaining what you want. 

Therefore, you need to understand what the cards are telling you if you want to learn how to increase your vibration by making the Law of Attraction work for you. So again, Tarot can be an excellent guide. However, there are other ways you can use the Tarot to manifest what you want. So let’s talk about that.

How To Manifest What You Want By Choosing Tarot Cards Of Your Choice

You may feel more comfortable picking a tarot card representing what you want to manifest. For example, if you’re going to manifest more money, the Ace of Pentacles is an excellent card to pick. Or, if you’re going to manifest a new relationship, the Emperor, which represents a man, or the Empress, which means a woman, are cards to pick. If you want to manifest weight loss, you can pull the Devil in reversed. You get the idea. Choose the best tarot card that represents the thing you want to attract into your life. 

Then what you want to do is keep that card with you at all times so you can focus on what it represents. You can use it for meditation, and you can also use it to keep by your side, so it never leaves your mind. Keeping the tarot card with you may be a good option if you choose not to use a vision board. 

And if you keep this card that represents what you want to attract with you at all times, you will find yourself having an easier time envisioning the very thing you want. That is the point of tarot cards, as they stimulate your intuition and your creative side. 

Therefore, if you’re going to keep the card with you but worry about it getting ruined because of wear and tear from you holding it all of the time, you can always get an item from Etsy or Amazon that has a picture of the card. For instance, there are pictures that those places can sell, and you can buy one that is the picture of the tarot card that represents what you want to attract. There are other wall pieces or a tchotchke with the face of the tarot card that you can place on your desk. You get the idea.

Therefore, if you want to use the Tarot in the Law of Attraction, you can do it in those ways. Either do readings for yourself to learn how to increase your vibration to be at the same level of frequency to attract what you want. Or, you can use the tarot card that represents what you want to attract as your vision board and thing to focus on while meditating and envisioning.