You hear about the terms “nothing is like being in the present” or “the power of now.” You may think that those are cliches that can become overused and annoying. However, even though cliches are not original and can get old if you hear them all of the time, there is something significant about them because they share the truth. When you hear those cliches, roll your eyes, and then think about the past and the future, then you begin to suffer.

When you think about the past, you may become sad, full of regret disappointment, and focus on the things that did not work out for you. Those emotions will lower your energy, mainly if you focus too much on the past. When your energy is lower, your frequency and vibration are also lower. When that happens, you send a message to the Universe to keep getting back the things from your past that disappointed you. 

Consequently, when you focus on the future, you are anxious and full of worry, and you become too attached to having specific things happen that you want. But unfortunately, that also lowers your frequency which means focusing on the future will bring you more worry, anxiety, and unhealthy attachments. So, based on that alone, you can see how not focusing on being present will lower your frequency. Therefore, it will cause the Law of Attraction to not work on your side. 

There Is No Time Like Now To Manifest What You Want

If you struggle with mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD or complex PTSD, focusing on the here and now will be more of a challenge. However, you can attain it and make the Law of Attraction work for you. Yes, you will need help such as therapy and potentially medication to help keep your mind in a higher vibrational state. If you do have a mental illness, you will struggle with this more. You will have to concentrate on staying in the power of now.

And if this is you, then think about keeping your eye on the prize so you can focus on the present. Remember, what you focus on expands when it comes to the Law of Attraction. 

The problem is whether you struggle with any mental illness that causes you to focus on the past or future or not. If life is going well for you now, you will not appreciate it. Instead, you will keep focusing on everything that went wrong in your life and worry about what could happen down the road, which keeps your frequency low. 

Even if you deal with a lot of stress and a challenging time, focusing on the past and the future will not help you. The good news is that there are easy steps to help you focus on the present and not think about the past and the future much at all. The first step is to think about the blessings in your life.

Gratitude Is Key

It does not matter whether you struggle with a mental illness or are having a challenging time right now. One important exercise that will help keep you in the present and able to harness the power of now to begin to manifest things that you want is to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Of course, you will find it more challenging to do this exercise on bad days, but it is essential to keep working on it. Think about three or more unique things daily that you are thankful for, so you develop an attitude of gratitude no matter how challenging things are. 

If all you can think about on a challenging day is that the sun was out, you were able to eat, and you have clothing to keep you warm, then that is great. But that does not mean invalidating other emotions that are not so positive either. 

Honor All Of Your Emotions

You cannot express gratitude while suppressing some challenging emotions. It is essential to process them to live in the moment and appreciate your blessings. For example, if you are angry about what someone said to you or upset about getting a big bill, those are valid feelings. But the last thing you want to do is to stew in them. That is why doing some journaling daily is key to staying in the present and connecting you to the power of now. The great thing about journaling is that you do not need to censor yourself when you write in them. 

Curse all you want because you want to get it out of your system. Once it is out, you will feel so much better. Here is an unappealing comparison, but when you are nauseous, you feel terrible. When the nausea is mild, it may go away on its own. However, when sickness worsens because you suppress it, the only way to relieve that is to vomit. Then you feel so much better. That is why it is essential to purge feelings that are not pretty so you can live in the present and develop an attitude of gratitude. 

There is another way to stay in the present: paying attention to all of your senses. 

Pay Attention To Your Five Senses

You cannot dwell on the past or future when you pay attention to your five senses. Take a look and see what is around you. Feel the ground on your feet. Smell the air, take a sip of a drink and taste it. Feel the power of now.

Take an item and feel it. That is how you can focus on the now. When you get into the habit of paying attention to your senses and concentrate on the here and now with a sense of gratitude, that will help you shift into a frequency that will help you make the Law of Attraction work for you. As mentioned, that means to honor all of your feelings, positive and negative, but to purge the negative ones and to focus on the positive so you can heighten your vibration. 

That does not mean to plan for the future as you need to do so as your retirement, and that also does not mean to forget everything you learned from the past. Instead, you need to be practical and not focus on the past or future, but the here and the now.  Focus on the power of now.