The one crystal clear message to you regarding the Law of Attraction is that positive thoughts lead to positive manifestations and outcomes, and negative thoughts lead to negative manifestations and consequences. That can cause a lot of anxiety if you have one negative thought or even a day without feeling that optimistic. You may think after the fact, “oh oh, what did I just do? I am now going to attract bad things because I had a bad day and I was thinking negatively as a result”. 

Having Occasional Negative Thoughts Is An Aspect Of Being Human

There is some good news regarding that. You do not have to be afraid of having negative thoughts and feelings. Those thoughts and feelings happen because you are human. It is understandable after being hit with a huge unexpected bill that you would panic and blurt out and even think, “I don’t have the money to pay this,” or “how am I going to pay for this?”. It is also understandable that you could feel anxiety about not having enough funds for it. That is just one of many examples involving negative thinking. 

Therefore, you can have a bad day or a negative thought without interfering with the Law of Attraction. However, there is a catch. You have to ensure that you do not allow it to snowball. When you do need to worry about manifesting adverse outcomes, your negative thoughts become negative beliefs, with your actions backing that up.

For instance, if you are dwelling on how you are unable to pay that large unexpected bill and that belief of not having that money expands over days and months – then guess what – you will not only attract more of those expenses, but you will also attract the lack of funds. 

Nipping Those Negative Feelings In The Bud Is The Key To Staying Safe From Having Adverse Outcomes

What you need to do is envision the Law of Attraction and manifestation as planting a seed. You know that seeds take time to spurt and grow into plants or trees, and so on. It takes a lot of time to attract what you put out.

What also helps is that even if you were to “plant a seed” for adverse outcomes by thinking a negative thought or having a negative feeling – seeds do not always germinate and grow into anything. Therefore, you can reverse that thought and work on manifesting something much better. 

That is why you do not need to feel desperate each time you feel or think negatively about something. That is because how can you attract something if you are not allowing it to snowball? You cannot manifest anything if you don’t let your actions, thoughts, and beliefs align with the initial idea or emotion about something. Since you are human and will have negative thoughts and feelings, that is a great thing!

What Is The Best Thing To Do If You Have A Negative Thought Or Feeling About Something?

The best thing you can do if you have any less than desirable emotions or thoughts about anything, in particular, is to allow it to process. If you allow your feelings to process, they can pass. Therefore, repressing any bad thoughts or feelings is the worst thing you can do! That is because if you suppress them, they will fester within. If they fester, they will only cause you to think more negative thoughts and cause you to have negative beliefs. Then before you know it, you will be attracting the very things that you do not want to attract!

Therefore, think the thought, feel the emotion, and then let it pass, and find a way to begin turning your thoughts around so you can create some helpful practices that will support your method of attracting the things you want! The critical thing to do is to catch yourself when you have that negative thought or feeling. Let’s now go over an example of how your negative thoughts and feelings will not interfere with the Law of Attraction and how you manifest what you want. 

Here Is A Scenario That Will Help You Understand What To Do To Keep Attracting What You Want Despite Some Negative Thoughts

Let’s go back to that example of the individual that ended up with that large bill that caused him a lot of anxiety and negative thinking. This man’s house needed some repair work, and then he had no clue how much the repair work would cost. However, because the house required that job done, the man could not worry about the costs. Then after the contractor completed the work and handed the man the invoice, he got upset and began to panic. 

He paid the bill with his credit card, but after that, he started having negative thoughts about not recovering that money. He was terrified of the idea of having a hole in his bank account. He thought to himself that he was doomed! However, after he got those emotions and thoughts out of his system, the man reflected on them and realized that those thoughts would not help him meet his financial goals. 

Therefore, he took a deep breath and acknowledged that this expense was there. However, he also knew that this was a message to begin actively by creating opportunities to make extra money.

That is how he prevented the seeds of negativity from germinating. He stayed on course, believing he would make extra cash by looking into doing side hustles. The man began doing side hustles, and in a matter of a month, he earned more than enough money to cover that considerable home expense. 

He saw that he made more than enough money to make up the expense cost, which firmed up his belief that he could make even more money, so the man looked for other ways to attract more cash.

Yes, he did a great job letting the Law of Attraction work on his side, even though he had a moment of negative thoughts and emotions! The key is that he nipped it in the bud before it snowballed! That is why there is absolutely nothing to fear as long as you catch yourself having them in the act and then turning those thoughts around into something better.