Do you have kids, or do you work with kids? If so, you can teach them the Law of Attraction and manifestation as soon as they learn to talk in complete sentences. That is right; you can teach manifestation to kids when they are as young as preschool age. However, you may be thinking that a child under the age of when they hit their preteen phase would be too young for them to understand the Law of Attraction or manifestation. But, no, they are not too young at all to learn about it.
So, how old are your kids when you ask them what they want to be when they grow up? You probably asked them that question when they were in junior kindergarten. When the child tells you what they want to be when they grow up, wouldn’t it be amazing if the kid learned to hold onto the vision and act on it so they would manifest their dream and turn it into reality?
There is excellent news, you can teach your kids how to do that, and that is by teaching them the principles of manifestation. The great thing about that is children at a young age are very receptive to learning about it because they have not developed limiting beliefs, and their minds don’t have the emotional baggage. Thus, young kids are at a perfect stage to plant the seeds to increase their chances of living fulfilling lives. So let’s go over five simple ways to teach kids about manifestation.
Encourage Your Kids To Donate Their Toys
Teaching kids the importance of donating their toys to other kids less fortunate than them not only encourages selflessness and kindness but also encourages them the power of letting go. You have to learn how to detach from things and let go of them when you are mastering the art of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Once kids learn this at an early age, letting go will be easier for them in life.
When kids donate their toys, they are creating the cycle of giving and receiving, which will promote abundance flows into their lives.
Teach Your Kids About Affirmations And Their Emotions
The best thing you can do is teach your kids how powerful words are and help them see that their words affect their mood and state of mind. When your kids are happy, you want them to talk about how happy they are. Tell your kids even to say out loud that they are happy because the more they say it, the happier they will be. If they get into the habit of that, that will help them to develop their manifesting abilities.
At the same time, if your kids are sad or upset, you want them to acknowledge it by talking about it so they can release it. It is essential to speak to your kids about honoring their emotions because suppressing the negative ones will harm them and their manifesting abilities.
Encourage Your Kids To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude
You know the importance of gratitude when it comes to manifestation and the Law of Attraction. So the best thing you can do is encourage your kids to write gratitude lists and list five things per day that they are grateful for, which can even include a sunny day that allowed them to play in the yard. If your kids look around their home or outdoors, they will find plenty of blessings.
But, of course, the best time for kids to count their blessings is right before bed. When anyone shows appreciation and gratitude for the blessings in their lives, they invite abundance into their lives. Your kids will benefit from that very early on when they begin counting their blessings at a young age.
Help Kids Grow Their Imaginations
Kids love using their imaginations, which is why they are also at a great stage in life to master manifestation. Tell your kids to imagine the best things they would love to have in life, and you can teach them about vision boards. Then, you can make a vision board with your kids, which will help them have fun with it and focus on the things they imagine and want. Your kids can draw what they imagine or find pictures of it in magazines, cut them out, and glue them onto the board.
At the same time, you have to be careful by making it clear to the kids to stay open to an outcome that they will like even though it may not be exactly what they imagined. However, if your kids are used to donating toys and sharing with others, they will not have a problem letting go and detaching from outcomes.
Teach Your Kids To Find Their Inner Peace
Why not enroll your kids into juvenile yoga classes or teach kids how to meditate? Not only will these practices help your kids learn to relax and find their inner zen when they become stressed over a school project or test, but even when your kids are not stressed, they can discover their inner peace the more they practice yoga or meditation. In addition, since kids need to understand and acknowledge all of their emotions, yoga and meditation will help them connect those feelings. That also reduces the risk of them suppressing them.
Those are five easy methods to teach your kids about the power of manifestation, and you have an essential role aside from that. First, you must listen and help your kids if they are going through a difficult time. For instance, if your child comes home from school upset about a classmate teasing them, don’t invalidate their emotions by telling them that they are overreacting or that the classmate did not mean it.
Talk to them, allow them to cry and get mad if they need to, and then they will calm down after releasing those emotions. If the child fears that it will happen again, then reassure them that you will help put an end to it if it does. Remember, if kids feel supported and validated at a young age, that will help them manifest a wonderful life.