That time of the month has come again, which is the New Moon, and this time it is in Pisces on March 2nd, 2022. You will like this New Moon, too, because Pisces is all about good vibes, and you will be able to set some intentions with this New Moon energy without resistance. Therefore, today is the ideal time to tap into your dreams and increase your vibration, as this energy will make it a lot easier for you to do that. 

How Does The Pisces New Moon Benefit You?

You will have an easier time focusing on your creativity and tapping into your dreams, and you will also be able to tap into your inner wisdom. You will have a much easier time meditating and allowing yourself to visualize anything that you want to attract. Here is the thing. 

You can work on manifestation during any New and Full Moon, but the Pisces New Moon, or Full Moon when the sun is in Virgo during the late summer, helps you manifest what you want quickly as energetically it brings you the tools to help make it happen. The Universe will support you fully as long as you allow it to do so during this pivotal moon phase. 

Pisces’ energy also is about you making connections to the spiritual world, and at the same time, you can explore your inner world, knowing that you can trust your dreams and knowing you can achieve them. This particular New Moon will make manifestation effortless for you. 

Why Is Manifestation Easier With This Pisces New Moon?

It is all about Jupiter making a conjunction with the New Moon, as Jupiter is the planet that involves luck and opportunities. Revolutionary and innovative Uranus is making a sextile to the New Moon, which means it is creating a beneficial energetic aspect to help you manifest unique opportunities. 

And then you have powerful and transformative Pluto and strict and responsible Saturn making a sextile to the New Moon, which means manifestation will be effortless. It may have been somewhat more challenging to manifest during some previous New Moons because planets formed more complex aspects. However, not this time! The world is your oyster, and you can make that come true during this New Moon. 

But here is the thing, if you have been plagued with self-doubt for so long, which has been lowering your vibration, and that is why you are not manifesting what you want. So you can utilize this New Moon opportunity to help you remove your self-doubt and replace it with self-confidence. Self-confidence raises your vibration, which will put you in a better position to make the Law of Attraction work for you. So now, let’s talk about how you can begin to manifest what you want, regardless of what it is in your life, during this New Moon. 

Imagine What You Want To Attract Into Your Life

What is it that you want to attract into your life? You will also have a much easier time with the help of this energy, knowing that. Is it more money? A new relationship? A new job? A healthier body? Or, do you want all of that, but you are struggling with self-doubt because you tried to manifest those things in the past and failed to do so. That is why you will want to get clear on what you want so you can help the Universe work on your side!

And remember, if you are struggling with self-doubt but want to manifest confidence, the Universe will have your back on that too. You may wish to manifest methods to gain confidence, as well as to meditate and to get a workout in each day. When you want something from the bottom of your heart and know that it will happen by visualizing it, that is when the magic happens. 

Setting An Intention To Manifest What You Want Is A Way To Honor The New Moon

Once you are clear on what you want, you want to set the intention to manifest it. Now it is the time to convert that desire into an affirmation. For instance, if you’re going to manifest confidence, you will want to use an affirmation to help make that happen, such as “I am worthy of manifesting anything I wish because I can do it.” 

It is also essential that you believe the affirmation you use. When you say these affirmations on the New Moon, close your eyes, and visualize yourself experiencing what you want to manifest. For instance, you want to manifest confidence. Then you will imagine yourself having the confidence to do things that you would not usually do. 

An example of that would be to strike up conversations with people who you never thought would talk to you. Visualize yourself going to a cafe and seeing a group of people who intimidate you, but this time, when you visualize yourself doing that, you see them as friends. Go up to them and strike up a conversation. 

Then also imagine them inviting you over to sit at the table to chat. You will want to keep up with this practice beyond the New Moon. You will not manifest confidence or anything for that matter overnight, even though the Pisces energy makes it easier for the Law of Attraction to work on your side. 

And as you keep visualizing it, you need to be proactive. For instance, if you want to gain more confidence, inch out of your comfort zone daily by doing things that make you a little uncomfortable but nothing reckless. Then you will see once you do those things, the confidence will come. And when that happens, you will find it much easier to quell self-doubt, and then you will have the confidence to manifest other things such as more money, a healthier body, a relationship, or whatever it is that you want. That is because a confident you will raise your vibration!

And if you don’t struggle with self-doubt, and you have the confidence to make the Law of Attraction work for you, then you can manifest any of those things during the Pisces New Moon. So tonight is all about setting an intention to make the Universe work on your side.