When you want to manifest your dreams, you may think that manifesting “smaller things” such as a piece of furniture that you want or even a specific item at the grocery store is not the same as manifesting that dream car, job, or home. That cannot be further from the truth! Why is that? Because when you are manifesting anything that you want, which does not matter how large it is, you are putting out high-vibrational energy to attract the thing you want. 

The issue with so many articles and other content about the Law of Attraction makes you believe that the only way to apply it is to focus on manifesting large sums of money and other dream things. However, what if that is not what you want? What if you do not care about manifesting big bucks or a dream home? What if you’re going to manifest more minor things that can add to the life you want? That type of manifestation is not any “less” than manifesting other more significant things. 

Learn About The Law Of Attraction

If you have not bothered to learn more about the Law of Attraction because the dreams you want to manifest do not match what sources tell you, you will want to reconsider. It does not matter if you are manifesting your favorite sandwich for lunch or your dream home – it is all the same. So, if you want to manifest your favorite sandwich, be proud to do it because you know that you applied the Law of Attraction that worked; you can do that.

If you focus on that sandwich, you may find it readily available prepackaged at the supermarket, find a takeout restaurant close to you that sells them, or attain it through other ways. Regardless of how that sandwich comes to you, you focused on it and attracted it. Likewise, you can manifest your dreams that you would be proud of as well. 

How Can You Manifest Your Dreams And Be Proud To Do So?

The first and foremost thing you need to know is what you really want in life. What is it that you want to attract? Do you feel pressured to draw a large sum of money because the gurus are telling you to do it even though that is not what you want? If you answered “yes” to that, that shows what you want right there. You don’t have to attract any money if that is not what you want to do. Perhaps having more money won’t necessarily make you proud. 

The focus is to manifest things you will be proud of, such as finding new, trustworthy, and good friends.  Let’s use that as an example. You want to have good friends that you can lean on during troubling times. That is something to be proud of, and you can attract that into your life. If that is your primary focus, let’s go over how you can create a new “family” of good friends. 

And if you are lonely and feel isolated because you don’t have anyone in your life, you will want to be very careful with the energy you emit. 

It Is Essential To Detach Yourself From Any Outcome

If you want to attract trustworthy friends who have your back no matter what, the last thing you want to do is become desperate to find them. So you have to detach from the outcome of finding those friends. Because if you focus on how lonely you are and how you don’t have any real friends except for some acquaintances that you barely see, that will cause you to feel desperate. Desperation gives off a low-vibrational frequency. 

If you give off any low-vibrational frequency, you will attract what you do not want. Therefore, if you are desperate to find new friends, you will end up attracting those who will take advantage of you and hurt you. Consequently, it is essential to detach from how you will meet friends, how they will come to you, and when they will come to you. You have to know you are worthy of having good friends who will have your back and recite affirmations such as I am worthy of having good friends in my life daily. 

Once you have detached yourself from the outcome, you will want to determine what you want to get from what you want to manifest. 

Determine What You Want To Get From What You Want To Manifest

You want to determine what you want to get out of having good friends and why they will make you proud. Do you want to have good friends to celebrate milestones with? Do you want good friends who will be with you during trying times?

Do you want to have friends who will offer encouragement when you apply the Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams? Those are the things you need to answer before taking the next step. You can even ask yourself these questions before detaching from the outcome if that is easier for you. Either way, you need to take this step before taking action. 

Taking Action On Attracting What You Want And Stay Detached While Holding Onto The Belief You Deserve It

The next step is to start taking steps on how to attract friends. First, you determined why you want some good friends, and you worked on detaching yourself from the outcome. Now, it is time to join different MeetUp groups or other social groups to meet others who share similar interests. 

As long as you remain detached and be open to who you will meet, and who will come into your life, and hold on to the belief that you are worthy of making good friends – you will find that you will attract trustworthy and kind people who will be delighted to be your friend. 

That is an example of how you can attract anything you want to make you proud. The friends example is a good one because having great friends is something to be proud of since plenty of people don’t have good friends. Like anything else in life that you want to attract, attracting good friends is not an exception.