Whenever you see butterflies, you see that the Universe wants to communicate with you. Butterflies are a medium. You see butterflies when a deceased loved one wants to get in touch with you. You also see butterflies when you see signs from the Universe for other reasons. Perhaps those butterflies are there because your spirit guides want to tell you something. There is another reason butterflies show up, and that is to say to you that your manifestation efforts are working. The Universe is telling you that it has your message, and you will get what you desire as long as you keep up with your manifestation efforts. 

However, the butterflies are there to remind you that even though the Universe has your message and is letting you know, you have to remain patient for your dreams to become a reality. 

Butterflies Tell You That Your Manifestation Is In The Works

When you see butterflies after setting an intention to manifest whatever you are manifesting whether it is a new job, a new relationship, abundance, or a healthy body, you know that it is in the works. That should be reassuring that your dream is coming on its way when you see butterflies. But you have to keep up with your high vibration because if you don’t, then your manifestation efforts will not pan out. Therefore, the butterflies should be there to remind you to stay motivated and to keep going. There is another message that the butterflies are bringing to you after you set your intention to begin manifesting what you want. 

Going Through The Transformation Is A Must

When you see the butterflies, it is a reminder to you that not only do you need to be patient and wait for your dream to come true, but you have to go through the transformation so you can attain it. For example, if you struggle with low feelings often, which lowers your vibration, you have to go through the transformation to increase your vibration by changing your default mindset to a positive one. Likewise, if you are afraid to get out of your comfort zone and take action for what you want to manifest, the butterflies remind you that you have to leave your comfort zone to attract what you truly want in life. 

Going through that type of transformation, such as getting out of your comfort zone and keeping your vibration high by changing your mindset, shows the Universe you are serious about going after what you want. The more you transform, you will see more vibrant and more robust butterflies. 

When you think about it, the transformation happens to the butterfly itself. It goes from an egg that turns into a caterpillar as it eats grass and leaves. It has to conserve energy as its internal transformations turn into a pupa. During the pupa stage, butterflies last a few weeks to a few years. It is a transitional stage, and you may not see what is happening outside, but a lot is going on on the inside. During this transformational stage during the manifestation process, the same is happening with you! 

When you make the Law of Attraction work on your side, you are going through many changes that you may not even know. However, the more you make those internal changes, the more you realize how far you have come, especially when you are close to attracting what you want. So not only do the butterflies tell you that the Universe heard your message and that you have to go through the transformations to manifest what you want, but there is another message butterflies give you when you see them after setting a manifestation intention. 

Enjoy The Journey With Butterflies And Manifestation

Making the Law of Attraction work for you is a journey. While you are going through the necessary transitions within and knowing that Universe has your message and is working on delivering, as long as you match the vibration of what you want to attract, the butterflies wish you to know one other thing. You want to sit back and enjoy the journey while taking the appropriate actions to turn your dreams into a reality. The Universe sends out butterflies to you, telling you to relax as it is taking care of everything. 

It is common to have doubts and fear that your dreams will not happen since it takes time for the Universe to deliver what you want to attract. However, that is another test of faith that the Universe puts you through. In addition, you may experience obstacles along the way, which is the Universe’s way of testing your will, faith, and patience. Therefore, the best thing to do is be aware of these obstacles along your manifestation journey and expect them. That way, you will realize what is happening and not feel doubtful. 

The next time you are facing an obstacle along your manifestation journey, an example being a potential client for your business bailing on you if you are manifesting more success for your business, know when you see a butterfly at that time, the message to you is to relax and to enjoy the ride. There is one more reason you will see butterflies during your manifestation process. 

You Are Receiving Spiritual Wisdom

When you see butterflies once you are on your manifestation journey, that also means that you are ready to receive spiritual wisdom and guidance and to go through spiritual growth. As you go through your manifestation journey, it also means you will learn so much about yourself, and you will develop inner wisdom. You will be dealing with a challenge to keep your mindset and your way of being at a high vibrational level. The Universe will keep testing your faith by throwing obstacles in your path where you face roadblocks and periods where nothing seems to manifest. 

You will challenge yourself not to fall into the trap of self-doubt and negative thinking, which is when you begin to grow spiritually. And that is how you also transform. Therefore, when you see butterflies during your manifestation journey, you know that the Universe has your back, but at the same time, it also knows you need to learn a thing or two about the manifestation process.