If you have heard the term “words are powerful,” then remember that there is a lot of truth to that to the power of manifesting words. That is because words carry a lot of energy, and you want to ensure that the words you use when it comes to manifestation and making the Law of Attraction work for you will work in your favor if you notice that the words you use daily do have an impact on your mood. The words you use will also affect how you feel about yourself. And that is when you are manifesting what you want. So you want to ensure that you use the words that will help you raise your vibration to quickly attract the things you want.  

Why Is Avoiding Certain Words A Must When It Comes To Manifesting?

As mentioned, words can bring positive and negative feelings. And the more you use certain words, the more of an impact they will have on your life. That is why you want to be mindful of using manifesting words that can help change your life for the better. Unfortunately, you may not consciously know it, but you often use words that will not help support your goals and disempower you. The more often you say disempowering words, the more they become your reality, indicating what is true in your mind. 

Therefore, each time you say phrases such as “I am not meant to get anything I want” or “I don’t deserve good things,” all you do is reinforce those beliefs. Each time you say those words, you become what you say, which lowers your vibration, which means you will never manifest anything great. Instead, you will keep manifesting reasons to make you feel that you do not deserve anything, and you will keep manifesting disappointment. Once you realize that this is the truth, you can begin changing your manifesting words for the better to start making the Law of Attraction work for you. 

You may genuinely want to manifest abundance, but if you keep thinking and saying to yourself that you are not worthy of it, then you will keep manifesting disappointment. Therefore, the simple hack for changing your narrative for the better is to say phrases such as “I am worthy of getting what I want,” “I am awesome and can do anything I put my mind to,” and you need to get into the habit of it. Change is never easy, but it will change your life for the better! 

The more you say these words, the more you will believe that they are genuine about yourself once you change your beliefs for the better! However, it is easier said than done because changing habits is not easy as it takes a lot of practice, time, and patience. So now, let’s go over how you can change negative words and shift them into positive ones. 

How To Be Mindful Of Using Positive Manifesting Words Instead Of Negative Ones

You know that self-talk is potent, and it seeps into your subconscious mind. That is how your words become who you are and your beliefs. That means each time you say something negative about yourself. But, first, you must catch yourself in the act and stop right away. Then, replace those words with positive ones. Therefore, if you are saying to yourself, “I don’t deserve abundance,” catch yourself in the act and immediately say, “I do deserve abundance.” And another thing you will want to do is start using affirmations daily to help you get into the habit of saying positive things about yourself.

Affirmations Are Powerful

Never underestimate the power of affirmations. With affirmations, you are deliberately saying positive phrases to help you get into the mind frame to manifest what you want. When you use potent affirmations each day, you are reprogramming your mind with positive viewpoints and beliefs so you can be in a much better position to attain your dreams and goals. You can use affirmations based on what you want to attract. For example, if you’re going to lose weight so you feel better, you will want to say, “I deserve to be in good health,” or “I am enjoying my weight loss journey,” and so on!

However, you can say a generalized positive affirmation daily about yourself, so you can reprogram your mind to believe in yourself better. For instance, say to yourself, “I am wonderful,” “I am awesome,” “I deserve good things.” and that way, you will not only have an easier time catching yourself when you say something negative. However,  you will find that you will not be prone to negative self-talk over time. Record yourself saying affirmations on the voice app in your notepad on your smartphone or tablet. Listen to it when you drive, do chores, and meditate. 

Now, you understand how powerful your words are, which is why you want to get into saying affirmations. Let’s go over what words you want to avoid and what words you will want to replace them with instead. 

What Are The Words To Avoid And To Replace Them With Instead?

When you are manifesting, you want to avoid words at all costs. They are:


Not now


If only







It is too hard

Wil never

Kind of

I can’t do this

Those words will stop you from attaining what you want, as they will lower your energy. So instead, you will want to say phrases that contain the following words that will help raise your vibration:

I want


I believe



I will

I am

I deserve

I am worthy

I can

I have

I know

That means you want to manifest something and make the Law of Attraction work for you. Those are the words you want to incorporate. Once again, the words you use are powerful, and you want to use every tool possible to increase your vibration when you want to attract abundance. Therefore, watch what you say, and be careful as you say them!