When it comes to manifestation, the New and Full Moon Energy is excellent in helping you make the Law of Attraction work for you because they make you aware of the areas of your life that need the most work. 

Full Moons allow you to evaluate your life, make adjustments that you need to improve it and make you aware of the things that are no longer serving you. Those things no longer serve you and hold you back, such as toxic behaviors and habits you have developed over time. 

Full Moon Energy Is Potent Enough To Help You Manifest What You Want

Therefore, when you work through those areas of your life, that allows you to remove negative energy, which helps to increase your vibration so you can begin to manifest the things you want. For example, last month, there was a Full Moon in Leo who helped you gain more confidence, and the Full Moon coming up on the 18th is Virgo, also known as the Worm Moon, which can help you with structure. 

However, if you think back to the last Virgo New Moon, which was on September 6th of last year, what did you wish for and what was your intention at the time? If you think back around that time, and you know, then you can utilize this upcoming powerful Full Moon energy to attract it. 

For example, if you were thinking about losing weight around that time, but you have not had the energy (or belief in yourself) to take that step, this is a perfect Full Moon to start manifesting a slimmer and healthier body. After all, Virgo also represents health, which is an excellent Full Moon to manifest better health in general. 

Now, let’s go over what manifestation ritual you should utilize during the Virgo Full Moon so you can make the Law of Attraction work for you. And by the way, you can manifest anything you wish, and it does not only have to involve weight loss if that is not what you are looking to manifest. You can manifest money, a relationship, or anything during the Full Moon, so let’s go over the ritual. 

Full Moon Manifestation Ritual

The first thing to do is to create an altar or a sacred area where you can do the ritual, and it can be in your room, kitchen, living room, or you could create one outdoors if the weather permits you to do so. Next, you will want to cleanse the area by smudging sage, or you can buy a sage spray that works just as well and give the area a few spritzes. 

The next thing to do is grab some objects that inspire you, such as books, images of what you want to manifest into your life, and even crystals that contain the energy to manifest what you want. Place them on your altar and then sit in front of it. Once you sit comfortably, then begin to meditate. You will want to meditate to get clear on what you want, and meditating is the way to clear your mind. 

As you meditate, remove any judgment that you feel towards yourself and towards anyone or anything else. Allow yourself to visualize everything you want and envision yourself being in the situation you want. For example, if you want to manifest a slimmer body, you will want to see yourself wearing smaller-sized clothing and having a lot more energy than you do now. And feel the happiness and the glow that you have within you. 

You want to act as if you are enjoying a healthier and slimmer body. You want to have that feeling right at the moment as it is happening right now. Once you do that, begin to conduct a ritual to release anything that is not holding you back. 

Do A Release Ritual After The Manifestation Ritual

This is part of the original ritual, but this is part II. First, you must know that once the Full Moon hits the peak, the moon phases wane until it goes back to the next New Moon in Aries in a few weeks. As the Full Moon hits the peak, there is an association of releasing what no longer serves you, which is the time to do as the Full Moon wanes. 

You want to take a pen and paper and begin writing down what you want to release and reciting affirmations as you do that. For example, if self-doubt has been lowering your vibration and preventing you from manifesting what you want, then write that down and, at the same time, say, “I am removing self-doubt.” or anything that is holding you back. 

Write as many things as you need as you may find that you have a lot more holding you back than you realize. After you finish, visualize yourself no longer having these issues holding you back and lowering your energy. 

Imagine how free you feel, and then you will want to go outside if you have been performing the ritual indoors and go somewhere under the Full Moon to burn the sheet of paper that you have written on, or if you are worried that could cause serious damage, you can always rip it up and bury it in the earth.

Then the final step is to close the ritual by thanking the Moon and the Universe to help you release what is not serving you so you can manifest what you want. And it does not end there. You cannot do this ritual and go back to the old ways that have held you back. 

There would be no point in you doing the ritual if you did that. You have to keep your vibration high by practicing meditation daily, reciting affirmations, and visualizing what you want. You have to believe that you will receive what you attract as you take appropriate action. You have to remember that when you plant seeds, you have to water them, so it grows into what you want!