On April 30th, 2022, there is a lot of exciting stuff in the stars as there is a Taurus New Moon eclipse. As you may know, the New Moon is when you set intentions to make changes for the upcoming lunar cycle. However, the eclipse is when significant changes happen, and you will feel its effects for a good six months. Therefore, this is a perfect time for manifesting what you want and getting into alignment vibrationally with it. 

The thing with a Taurus New Moon as it is, you will dig deep into your values, and as this energy is about your self of purpose, self-worth, and self-esteem. During this eclipse, you will have plenty of emotions as that is what happens to you. You may be compelled to ask yourself questions such as what is essential in your life when you feel the most confidence or whether or not you are receiving what you are worth. You may also wonder if you are communicating your needs efficiently. This is why the best time to prioritize and manifest what you want is during this Taurus New Moon eclipse. 

Prioritizing During The New Moon Eclipse

You will end up with some heavy emotions during this New Moon eclipse. But, the good news is that since this eclipse is harmonious with Mars, which increases your drive and passion, and Uranus, which helps you develop out-of-the-box thinking and come up with solutions. If you have been dealing with some blockages, this energy will help you find answers to solve them quickly. 

Whatever you experience during this New Moon, you will likely feel the effects of the feelings for six months, which happens when it comes to an eclipse. So, this is an ideal New Moon to know what you want and understand how you want to feel when attracting what you want. You want to make the Law of Attraction work with this New Moon as the eclipse is in the picture. You want to use this New Moon energy to manifest what you want. 

Let’s now talk about what a perfect Taurus New Moon manifestation ritual to utilize, as this will help bring some powerful energies to you. And this is also the time to be quite clear on what you want to manifest into your life, as you will be working with the energies for about six months which is why you want to make this epic. 

Taurus New Moon Eclipse Manifestation Ritual

As you know, with any new moon, you will map out your dreams and ask essential questions about what you want to pursue during the lunar cycle, and since this is the eclipse, beyond that. First, you need to find a sacred area of your home, as it could be your altar or elsewhere in your home. Or, perhaps, you may want to conduct the ritual outdoors, which would be ideal for this Taurus energy. However, if the weather does not allow that to happen, then indoors will suffice. 

Before conducting the ritual, you will want to sage the area so you clean it of negative or stale energies that could impact the manifestation. You will also need a pen and paper, so you write down what you want, and you want to ensure that you are clear about what you want to manifest. The New Moon energy is that it helps you gain clarity with your intention. 

Think About What You Want To Manifest During This Cycle

You may want to manifest more money, a healthy body, a new job, and a new relationship. However, you do not want to work on manifesting more than two things at once actively. If your energies are too scattered, then the Universe will not be able to deliver what you want. Therefore, think of two things, at the maximum, what you want to manifest for now and for the next six months. 

Remember, you have other New Moons coming up where you can manifest those other things. But now is the time to prioritize what you want to manifest into your life first. For example, if you having a healthy body is more important to you right now than manifesting a relationship, then focus on manifesting the healthy body. Then, you will know when the right time is to manifest a new relationship. Once you are clear on what you want to attract into your life, then write it down on the paper. As you write it down, visualize what it will be like once it is in your life. Once you write it down, either take the paper and burn it or bury it. 

Start Reciting Affirmations

You know that affirmations are essential for making the Law of Attraction work for you. So, for example, if you are using this New Moon eclipse to manifest a healthy body, you will say to yourself, I look and feel healthy and amazing, or I am at the weight I want to be, or whatever feels suitable for you. 

You will want to make time to recite these affirmations daily after the New Moon and set aside time for meditation and visualization as you take the appropriate action to make it a reality in your life. You want to ensure that during the New Moon and eclipse, you want to elevate your frequency as much as you can so the Universe hears and knows what you want. And you want to ensure that you keep your vibration as high as you can after as you are working on manifesting whatever you want to attract. 

Remember that the Full Moon and eclipse energy are potent, and what you want to attract into your life will come to you quickly if you master your manifestation abilities. As you take action on manifesting what it is what you wish to after the New Moon, you will begin to see results that will encourage you to keep going so you attract the outcome of what you want!