You see so much information and misinformation on manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Think back to The Secret by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. The book and the movie made it appear that you can attract anything you want, no matter what, if you visualize it hard enough without taking action. This is delusional thinking that can cause you to fear having negative emotions such as sadness, anger, envy, resentment, etc. These are very human emotions signaling that something is very out of balance. 

There Is Too Much Misinformation On Manifestation Leading To Delusional Thinking

Therefore, you are made to believe that the only way to move forward from having those emotions is to suppress them, making everything much worse for you and your mental health. You always have to acknowledge those emotions and find a way to release them, so it does not take over. The misinformation about the Law of Attraction consists of everything that you read from The Secret, such as focusing on the positive without needing medication or treatments if you are ill or concentrating on your body being slim while you eat what you want. 

Therefore, since those things don’t include common sense, how could you genuinely manifest the items you want to attract? That is delusional thinking, and there are too many information channels on the Law of Attraction on various platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and so on that promote delusional thinking that makes you believe that it is about manifestation. 

You hear people telling you that they achieved weight loss, abundance, and perfect relationships through manifestation through those channels. But are they telling you the truth? If they manifested those things only by focusing on the positive and envisioning those things coming into their lives and doing nothing else, then no, they are not telling the truth. They make you believe that the Law of Attraction and manifestation are delusions. 

And if you believe that is true, you need to know the facts and the truth about the Law of Attraction and manifestation. Because if you know how it works, you will see that there is nothing magical about it. And it is all about common sense. So let’s now go over the concepts you need to understand about manifestation and the Law of Attraction that is genuine. 

Manifestation Involves You Focusing On The Positive

Yes, you need to be in a positive mind frame when you want to manifest what you want. That means you need to be in a mindset and a way of being that will match the vibration of abundance, health, a perfect relationship, and anything else you truly want to attract—a positive mindset results from emitting a high frequency. However, that does not mean suppressing and ignoring human emotions that come off as unfavorable. You are human, and the last thing you should ever do is not pay attention to your feelings, as this is why exercising and journaling as good for you. They are excellent outlets for you to release any negative emotions. 

Another reason it is crucial to keep your vibration high is to help you stay motivated to go after what you want. The Universe will respond to you taking action and setting goals. Envisioning enables you to focus on what you want to attract, but that alone will not help you manifest what you want. You will not get a healthy body by overeating at the buffet daily, no matter how much you envision yourself being healthy! That’s an example of delusional thinkingl. 

A Positive Mindset Helps You Set Goals And Take Action

You need to set goals for what you want to manifest for the Universe to respond to it. That is why you have to be clear on what you want to attract in your life. And the elements of well-being are having a sense of accomplishment, achievement, and realistic goals and ambitions that will give you the motivation you need to take appropriate action when it comes to making the Law of Attraction work for you. 

For example, if you want to lose 20 lbs in two months, then set that as a goal, put that out there to the Universe, and take the appropriate action by learning how to eat and squaring away time for exercise intuitively. The Universe sees that you are serious about manifesting this reality, and it will happen. 

However, the envisioning aspect is essential in conjunction with goal-setting and taking action because it keeps you focused. Envisioning yourself with the very thing you want to attract does help bring it closer to you because you are highly concentrated to the point you will do what it takes to make it a reality. 

Visualization Is An Important Part Of Manifestation 

Delusional thinking happens when you believe that visualization and wishing are the only components of manifestation, and as you know, you need to set goals and take action too. However, it is essential to envision yourself and experience the emotions while imagining what you have, as it helps you motivate yourself to take action on what you want to attract. 

Visualization also enables you to increase your belief in yourself for attracting what you want into your life. That is why vision boards are an integral part of manifestation and making the Law of Attraction work for you. However, it is delusional to believe that you will attract what you want if you stare at your vision board all day. 

Therefore, if you use the power of the Law of Attraction correctly, you will see that there is nothing delusional about it. It takes work if you struggle with self-doubt to overcome it, and it also takes work when it comes to taking action to attract what you want. However, the more you believe in yourself, and the more confidence you have that you will attract what you want means that you will have a positive mindset for it. Therefore, it increases your vibration. You will find that the actions you have to take to attract what you want are effortless even though it takes work. As you can see, there is nothing magical about manifestation.