In part one of how to keep a Law of Attraction journal, we learned that journaling is an essential component of helping you raise your vibration so the Law of Attraction can work for you. Journaling is an excellent habit to get into each day as it enables you to express your thoughts, reduce and manage stress, and helps you develop an attitude of gratitude. However, if you do not know what you need to do to make the most of your journaling experience, that is what you will learn about now. In addition, there are tips and tricks to make your journaling experience enjoyable and helpful to manifest what you want in your life easier. 

Journaling Prompts And Styles Make It Easier

Now, let’s talk about journaling prompts and styles that can help you get into a daily journaling habit, so you do not need to waste time figuring out what to write in your journal. So many people allowed themselves to struggle with this because they did not know about the prompts and styles for journaling that helped them. As a result, many people don’t stick to it, but with the tips and tricks you will learn, there will be no reason not to make journaling work. So, let’s begin delving more into journaling prompts. 

Law of Attraction Journaling Prompts And Examples

Prompts will come to the rescue if you struggle to get started with your journaling. If you are not in the right headspace but want to begin writing in your journal, you will want to learn about these journaling prompts. Let’s go over several prompts to help you start journaling:

  • What is something that happened today that made you upset?\
  • What positive thing happened to you today, and why was it positive?
  • Where do you want to be in life, and is anything getting in your way to attaining that goal?
  • What was the most valuable lesson you learned in your life?
  • Did you learn any valuable lessons over the past month?
  • What are three areas of your life that have room for improvement and why?
  • Is there anything you have done today that made yourself proud?
  • What was the best accomplishment you had over the past month?
  • What is something you could change tomorrow?
  • How can you show love to yourself today?
  • What are your goals just for today?
  • Who made you the happiest over the last month?
  • What is something that makes you feel better?

A few prompts can help you start journaling, and you will also have an easier time coming up with your own after looking at these sample prompts. There are so many other prompts you can come up with for self-reflection, self-awareness, and gratitude. There is no reason you cannot start journaling once you now see there is a way to start. Let’s now talk about another journaling tip which is called morning pages. 

Morning Pages

The morning pages tip is another excellent Law of Attraction journaling technique. When you have a journal by your bedside, start writing all your thoughts and insights right after awakening. Your mind is clear, and there is no external influences first thing in the morning which is why this tip is helpful. 

The morning pages technique is valuable because you will get a genuine insight into your thoughts when you utilize it. In addition, it can help you create a tone for the day, and that also includes evaluating your goals for that particular day. Prompts are not necessary for this tip because you are writing everything you have from a fresh mind. However, prompts are ideal when you write in your journal later in the day. 

To make this a habit, you will want to ensure that once again, you have a journal by your bedside so you can pick it up and begin writing. Furthermore, you want to make this a habit before checking your smartphone, social media, and email, as you wish to have no external influences getting into the way of this. Therefore, the next journaling tip is short journal entries. 

Short Journal Entries

You can write short journal entries regardless of the time of day, and the purpose is to write something each day. Of course, you may not be able to have the time to spend on the journal if you have a busy day. But as long as you get a few minutes into it, that counts. The truth is that everyone has a few minutes a day to write in their journal, and there is no rule that you have to spend a half-hour daily writing in your journal. 

Short journal insights can provide you with some different insights. All you need to do is write down a few thoughts or situations that occurred in the day. That way, you will be able to process them. For example, you can talk about the stressors and what makes you the happiest. When you make a habit of writing in your journal after something happened that you want to note on a particular day, and if you make a habit of it, you will begin to do some better problem-solving and be able to answer your questions as well. 

You will not need prompts for short journal entries as you will want to take a piece of something that happened in your day and write about it. 

Journaling is essential when you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you. If you are in the habit of writing in your journal daily, you will have a much easier time understanding yourself and removing self-doubt, too, because you would have been gaining insight into why you had it in the first place. Once you begin having that kind of insight, you gain more confidence, start to believe in yourself, and raise your vibration as a result. 

Journaling is also good as it helps you get your creative juices going, which is essential for visualization as that is an integral component of making the Law of Attraction work for you. If you do not have a journal yet, go and get one. You can get a notebook from Walmart or a school supply store. Your journal does not have to look like anything in particular. Just get into the habit of it!