From March 31st to April 1st, there is a New Moon in Aries, and when there is a new moon, it is the best time to set new intentions as it is the time that marks new beginnings. During the new moon, you can set intentions to make positive changes to your habits, such as eating better, getting more activity, and changing your thoughts and inner narrative for the better. And when it comes to this new moon, there is no better time to create some fresh beginnings since it marks the beginning of the new astrological year, as the new moon is in Aries. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and it is a cardinal fire sign, which means the sign is full of passion, energy, and competitive nature. And in astronomy, the new moon happens when the sun aligns with the moon, which means it is on the opposite side of the earth. That is why you cannot see the moon when it is a new moon, and astrologically, as mentioned previously, new moons have associated with new beginnings. The new moon is the time to create and set new intentions to manifest what you want. Let’s talk about how you can harness the energies of the Aries New Moon to manifest more money into your life. 

Harnessing The Power Of The Aries New Moon To Activate Financial Abundance

Since any new moon, regardless of the sign, is the time to plant new seeds by creating new thoughts and ideas, you can do that easily with the Aries new moon, which gives off even more fresh energy. You may find, in general, that you are ready for more of a transformation in your life at this time of the year because of the nature of the Aries energy. And one of the things that many people want to improve, aside from wanting to get healthier and finding new last-lasting relationships, is their financial situation. 

That is why the Aries New Moon is the time to set an intention to manifest more money into your life. But here is the thing to remember. Just because the new moon allows you to manifest something new, it does not mean you will not encounter obstacles along the way. That is why it is essential to stay in the mindset of abundance than lack if you are finding that you are facing struggles along the way. The Universe will test you, which is why you will encounter these blockages. 

An example of a blockage that you could encounter while working on manifesting more money is that if you are a business owner, you may have a time when there is a lull in getting new clients. Or, a client who used your services for a while decided to use your services no longer. 

The thing to do is to intend to improve your financial situation, recite affirmations about your being wealthy, and visualize yourself having more money. Of course, you will want to do that from the New Moon onward, so you keep yourself at a high vibration to attract the abundance you deserve. Let’s now talk about the New Moon money ritual that you want to do during this Aries new moon so you can plant the seeds. 

The New Moon In Aries Money Ritual

Before saying anything about this, the one thing to say is that there is no right or wrong way to do this ritual. But you will want to go into a room where you see the area as sacred, or you can do it somewhere outdoors if the weather permits. If you do it indoors, you will want to cleanse the area by smudging it. Then go to the site, become very clear about your current financial situation, and pay attention to your body when you think about it. How do you feel? This is not the time to be dishonest about your feelings, as the Universe knows. If you are not happy about it, admit it, release it, and know that it will change for the better. 

Speak Your Intention From The Heart

The next step is to state what you desire and speak it from the heart. And what you want you to want is to manifest more money, and as you think it or say it out loud, feel the excitement of having more money in your bank account. Then you will want to tell the Universe your intention and make it as specific as possible. For example, if you’re going to have an extra $3,000 in your bank account this month, say out loud, “I intend to manifest 3,000 dollars this month to add to my bank account”. 

Imagine having the money, and thank the Universe for providing you with this blessing. After that, you want to get yourself into a money mindset and begin to recite affirmations once the New Moon is over about being wealthy such as “I am wealthy.” You can also say, “I live in a state of abundance.”. 

Stay In A Money Mindset And Begin To Take Action

You need to take the appropriate actions to manifest anything regardless of the time of year. However, the Aries energy is all about taking action as it is a highly energetic sign. Therefore, you will want to begin taking action quickly to manifest the money you want. You want to plan for what you want to do when it comes to taking action steps, but the Aries energy does not want you to prepare for too long. Rely on your intuition, and you will know what you need to do to manifest that money. 

Therefore begin getting to work when it comes to attracting that money. And you must stay in a high vibrational money mindset so you do not lose your focus and want those seeds you planted to come to fruition. Once again, obstacles will happen, and you will want to stay as grounded as possible when they do. You deserve abundance!