Stress is part of everyday life, but there is a way to create a more stress-free life. A little bit of stress because it will motivate you and keep you moving and striving to be better. You want just enough to do that, so you find a purpose in life. However, the levels of stress that you want to avoid will compromise your ability to function. 

Too much stress will cause you to adopt a negative mindset, which lowers your vibration as you will keep attracting situations that will create more tension in your life, but you will also face mental and physical health problems. That is what you want to avoid at all costs, and fortunately, you can apply the Law of Attraction to create a stress-free life. 

How To Manifest A Virtually Stress-Free Life

Let’s keep going back to the fact that when it comes to the Law of Attraction, you are attracting everything based on your frequency. So like attracts like, and if you are vibrating on a low frequency which is a negative way of being and mindset, you will keep attracting situations that will match the frequency, which means more stress for you. So once you realize that is the case, you will want to ensure that you become aware of this fact and change your life for the better. 

You can utilize the Law of Attraction to create a stress-free life and to keep your vibration high, which means you will not only be in a position to attract abundance, but you will be in a position to attract more calmness around you. Let’s go over how you can do that!

List Everything That Frustrates You And Start A Journal

Take a pen and paper and begin to list everything stressful in your life, whether it is your job, a relationship conflict, a family situation, your kids’ behavior, or finances, as examples. The next thing you want to do is start a journal as you want to add everything that frustrates you that you wrote in the list. Then think of positive aspects of the situation that you are in. 

For example, if one of the things that frustrate you and brings you stress is your job, you will want to look at the positive aspects of your job. Firstly, it is a blessing that you have a job because not everyone does, and you have a steady income, and if you can think of anything else positive about the job, then list those. 

Perhaps the job is helping you increase your patience level. If not, it is probably time to consider looking for another job. That opens up another reason you will want to keep your vibration high so you can attract a better job. If that is the case, the lesson from your job not working for you is also teaching you about anything that is not working in your life so you can make changes for the better. 

It would be best to list every positive aspect of all of the things that frustrate you to begin taking the next step of this Law of Attraction exercise to help create a stress-free life. 

Begin To Visualize What You Do Want In Life

After completing the first exercise, the next thing you want to do is begin visualizing everything you want that will make you happier and help minimize stress. You want to focus on what you do want instead of what you don’t want so you can keep your vibration high. And then, you will want to visualize being in a situation that you do want. 

Let’s go back to the stressful job example. You listed that one significant source of stress is your job, but you are thankful that you have a job and are earning a stable income. If your job is not so bad that you need to change it, you will want to visualize being more content where you work with the work you do. If one of the positive aspects of the job you came up with is that you have an understanding boss, you will envision your boss cutting you slack (and perhaps that will give you the urge to speak up if you feel you are being overworked). 

If you feel that the solution to your stressful job situation is to get a new job, you will want to start looking for another job (and utilize the Law of Attraction to attract the position you wish to). Therefore, whatever it is that you want, or whatever it is positive about your frustrating stressors, envision yourself in situations where you are experiencing more of the positive aspects. For instance, if one of the positive aspects of your stressful job happens to be that you like your colleagues, envision yourself laughing with them and having a good conversation with them. If you imagine the positive things, more of them will come to you. 

Don’t forget to create a vision board too! That will help keep you focused on the positive aspects of anything that causes you stress. Set time aside to meditate, which will help clear your mind and help you stay in a better mind frame which brings you to the last step. 

Maintain A Positive Mindframe

You must keep a positive mind frame to keep your vibration levels high, which means you will attract calmer and better situations. Keep thinking of the things you are grateful for, and making gratitude lists daily help. Keep working at shifting your focus for the positive things in life instead of the stressful aspects of them, and you will want to also share your goals and desires with your friends and loved ones so you can get the support that will help you stay in a positive mind frame too.  

Use positive self-talk, keep visualizing what you want each day, and work on your plan of action to make things better as well. You also have to accept what is essential for focusing on the negative aspects of your stressors. That will only help you work towards making your life better. You must do this daily so you don’t fall into the trap of negativity regarding stress. Once again, accept that stress is unavoidable, but you can also attract a positive and calm life.