Everyone is getting tired of the pandemic going on for almost two years and counting. Now that there is a new variant, Omicron, which is spreading faster than the previous one that wreaked havoc, Delta, on everything, this will only raise our frustration levels higher. You are not alone if you are tired of the pandemic like everyone else. However, you have to be careful about focusing too much on those feelings of frustration, especially if you want to apply the Law of Attraction to manifest the things you want. 

When you are in the middle of a pandemic, the one thing you want more than anything is to stay healthy. If you’re going to manifest good health, for example, you can. First, however, you have to pay attention to your feelings. Then, you will also have to do everything you can to have good health. You can take the precautions to stay healthy by eating nutritious foods, and staying active. However, if you are only focusing on your frustration even when doing those things, you are more likely to get sick. Therefore, you will not manifest having good health in the middle of the pandemic since focusing on frustration emits a low frequency. Having good health is a high frequency, and you know that when there is a mismatch of energies, you will not manifest what you want. 

It Is Important To Focus On Feeling Good To Manifest What You Want

It is natural to feel frustration over the never-ending pandemic, especially now that a new and highly infectious variant is on the rise. Here is the thing, if you think about the anger and frustration over this, you are only hurting yourself. You will not attain good health, which you want to achieve. Focusing on the frustration does not necessarily mean you will end up with COVID-19, but you could end up with other long-term problems that can lead to other serious ailments such as heart disease. 

It is perfectly human to feel frustration over this situation. However, feel it, and allow it to pass, and focus on the things that make you feel good. For example, it is impossible not to feel good after having a good run or a good aerobics workout. It is also essential to focus eating on healthy foods as many of them will help to boost your mood. Examples of those foods are dark chocolate with at least 70 percent of cacao (and eat it in moderation), salmon, poultry, leafy greens, grapes, and foods with probiotics such as kefir or yogurt. 

While you feel good, you will also feel more confident about having good health. That is because you are emitting a much higher frequency this way, and you will achieve good health as a result. That means you are a lot less likely to get seriously ill if you were to catch COVID-19 or the flu. Aside from that, you will have much better heart health and metabolic health and will be a lot less likely to be at risk for other diseases. 

How Can You Find Ways To Feel Good During Difficult Times?

Understandably, finding ways to feel good can be challenging during this pandemic, and it can be even more challenging if you have a mental illness such as depression or PTSD. The best thing to do is eat healthy, as mentioned, stay active, and keep yourself in settings that will boost your mood. In addition, it is essential to indulge in some self-care, such as taking time to read your favorite book, listen to uplifting music, and get extra sleep. You will also want to stay away from sugar, simple carbs, and alcohol, as those will depress you and defeat the purpose. If you nurture your physical and mental health, you will have a much easier time feeling good and focusing on it, which is essential for manifesting what you want. 

If you have a mental illness, it is essential to seek therapy if you are not already doing so and take the prescribed medication if you need it. That is in addition to taking good care of yourself in the ways mentioned above. Also, just as importantly, you want to focus on feeling good instead of your frustrations over the pandemic. 

And even once the pandemic is over (and yes, it will end), you will come across other frustrating situations that can easily drag you down. However, again, you shouldn’t allow those things to drag you down when you want to apply the Law of Attraction to anything. It does not matter what you want to manifest, whether it is health, wealth, a trip, a big house, a relationship, and so on! Instead, you must focus on feeling good, which is how you can use that feeling with the Law of Attraction. You must also do one other thing to help boost your focus to feel good! That is to know that you must control the things you can manage and not focus on the things you cannot control. 

Understand That There Are Situations In Life That You Cannot Control And Don’t Let That Affect Your Feelings

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those things that are not in your control. You can always do your part by practicing good health measures, but you cannot control others. If you focus too much on your frustration over those who do not take the pandemic seriously, and you blame them for prolonging the pandemic, you will only lower your vibration and not manifest the good health you want. 

Therefore, accepting not controlling things that you can’t but knowing that you can handle anything within your power is empowering. The bonus thing about feeling empowered is that you also feel good, which will only help increase your vibration for manifesting the good health you want! The more you can remember to do this, the easier it will be to apply the Law of Attraction in your favor. Focus on the things that make you happy and feel good, and you will be successful at manifesting what you want!