A potent Full Moon is coming up, which is the Full Moon in Leo, which will happen on February 16th. The Leo Full Moon is full of love, self-expression, and creativity, and this is the time to put that all out there! This particularly bold and empowering Full Moon can provide you with the opportunity to manifest anything you like in your life. Endings do happen, and this is when it also gives you options for new beginnings. Additionally, the Full Moon allows you to reflect and see how your life is going because if you are not happy with it, you can begin to make changes. Finally, the Full Moon provides you with the opportunity to make the Law of Attraction work for you!

The Full Moon Allows You To Find Balance Within Which Is Key For Manifestation

When there is any full moon, the moon opposes the sun, as the sun currently is in Aquarius, and Leo opposes Aquarius. When there is an opposition in astrology, you can compare it to looking in the mirror and facing what you like about yourself and what you want to improve. Therefore, when looking for things to improve about yourself, you want to attain balance within. Finding balance is essential for making the Law of Attraction work for you. That is because imbalances within you can lower your vibration. 

For instance, you may be happy with some accomplishments, but you feel like you failed in other areas of life. The feeling of failure will create self-doubt low self-esteem, which can also lower your vibration. Therefore, when you want to manifest what you want and make the Law of Attraction work for you, you have to increase your vibration so you can reap what you sow. 

Finding balance within can help provide you with acceptance and a positive mind frame so you can harness the energies of this creative, empowering, and bold full moon to help make the Law of Attraction work on your side. It does not matter whether you want to attract love, money, or health. This Full Moon can help make it work for you. If you’re going to manifest what you want during this Full Moon, you will want to perform a ritual to help you increase your vibration so you can attract more money, health, a relationship, a new job, or anything else you want in your life!

Cleanse Your Space And Body To Perform The Full Moon Ritual

As you know, the Full Moon gives you that opportunity to remove anything that does not work for you. It can help provide you with the chance to finish your New Moon’s intentions. It also lets you move forward, let go of the old, find balance, so you can allow the Universe to work on your side! So what you want to do is when you are beginning to perform the ritual for the Full Moon, cleanse your space and body. 

That means you want to take a shower and recite to yourself that you are letting go of what no longer serves you and ready to attract the things you want. Do that as you clean yourself off. When it comes to cleansing your space, it is ideal to do the Full Moon ritual outside, but that is not applicable if the winter temperatures are below freezing or in the negatives. If you live in a warmer climate, you may be able to do so. But if not, that is okay. 

If you have to do the Full Moon ritual indoors, then you need to designate an area of your home or apartment, clean it, and smudge it with sage if you can. That way, your space is open and ready for you to do the ritual. As you begin the ritual, you will want to start by doing one thing, and that is by going over your intentions. 

Go Over Your Intentions

Take a piece of paper and write down your intentions. What are your intentions? You will want to recite them as you begin the ritual. For example, if you intend to attract more money, better health, or a new relationship, then you repeat those things out loud. 

Recite those things by expressing faith, emotion, and belief that you will manifest them. And do not use the phrases in the future tense. Instead, make it as if you are blessed with them in the present. For instance, if you want to attract more money, say “I am wealthy” or “I live with abundance.” There is something else you want to do, and that is to express gratitude. 

Always Express Gratitude To The Universe For Your Blessings

During the ritual, you will begin to express gratitude to the Universe for the blessings you are manifesting. You also want to express gratitude for the blessing you do have. After reciting your intentions, thank the Universe for the abundance you have. That way, when you express thankfulness, the Universe will provide you with more! 

For example, think about someone you help out with and express gratitude towards you for it. Wouldn’t you be happy to help them again and provide them with more help? If they did not thank you or show appreciation for your support, then you would not be inclined to offer them more. 

The same goes for the Universe. If you don’t express gratitude for your blessings, that lowers your vibration, and therefore, your manifestation won’ the successful. There is one final step to take during the ritual. 

Burn The Sheet Of Intentions

You have already shared with the Universe your manifestation intentions, and you expressed gratitude for the blessings you have. Now, you will want to burn the sheet of paper with your intentions written down. 

That is a way to release and let go so you do not become attached to the outcome. Now that you complete your Full Moon ritual, it is time to begin taking inspired actions. Start with affirmations, then go to visualizations, and work at keeping your vibration high so you can make the Law of Attraction work for you. The Leo Full Moon is potent, and if you harness the energies well, you will see how quickly you will manifest what you want!