You may be having a great and productive day where you have nothing to complain about, and then suddenly, you have a thought that is less than stellar. For example, you could be thinking positive thoughts about a new position that you landed as you are excited about the new job. You are thinking about the unique challenges your new job will provide, but positively because you are always up for a good challenge. However, suddenly, you have an intrusive thought. A thought where suddenly you do not think you are good enough and will not last at the new job for very long. 

Or another example is that you may have a brand new partner, and you are looking forward to your date and excited about the prospect of having a great relationship. 

However, suddenly, you end up with an intrusive thought about how your ex told you that you were no good, which creates doubts. The thing is, you may worry if your intrusive thoughts will derail your manifestation efforts. That is an understandable fear considering that you want to keep your thoughts about what you are manifesting as positive as possible since you want to keep your vibration high. But there is good news. The occasional intrusive thought is not going to affect your manifestation abilities. 

Occasional Intrusive Thoughts Won’t Hurt Your Manifestation

Intrusive thoughts happen when you are dealing with anxiety, and it often happens with PTSD or complex PTSD, and it is understandable as the trauma creates an imprint on your brain and your body, but the trick is to stay mindful of that. You may find that even if you are conscious, those intrusive thoughts could pop up at inconvenient times since they are always in your head.

For example, you could be meditating, and then it happens or saying your affirmations, and then the intrusive thought suddenly appears. But you do not need to worry about manifesting those intrusive thoughts as long as you stay mindful. As long as you are conscious, you will not necessarily get rid of those intrusive thoughts as they can still pop up from time to time, but you will allow them to pass quickly and not think much of it. 

Your Mind Is More Powerful Than Your Intrusive Thoughts

Let’s talk about the complexities of the mind to understand the nature of intrusive thoughts, which will help you stay calm about having them once in a while. Your mind has two states which are the conscious and the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the one that you are the most aware of since it is both logical and emotional, and it is the area of your mind that is the most active when you are awake. Your conscious mind is the most active when working, driving, cooking, etc. Your conscious mind is active when you are paying bills and making appointments. You get the idea!

However, the subconscious mind is where your intuition is, or your Higher Self. Your intuition is what tells you what you should be doing, even if your conscious mind tells you otherwise. But you cannot shake off what your intuition tells you, even if your conscious mind fights it. For example, you may want to go to the mall, but your intuition tells you that you should not go at that moment. 

Often your intuition is strong enough to cause you to feel sick if you go against it. You may ignore your intuition, but as soon as you get to the car, since you intend to go to the mall, you may get nauseous, and then that would cause you to listen to your intuition. Later in the day, you hear there was a shooting at the mall, and your intuition knew something terrible was going to happen as it warned you to stay away from there. Those are those times when you are glad to listen to your intuition. 

Now, that you have a good idea of the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind, you are likely asking what this has to do with manifestation. 

You Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind For Manifestation

You do not tap into your conscious mind when you are manifesting. When you use affirmations when you meditate and journal, you are tapping into your subconscious mind. You are exercising your subconscious mind as you are rewiring it, which will help clear out those blockages causing you not to manifest the things you want. When you tap into your subconscious mind, you are also learning about your vibration and energy, and you have the power to raise your vibration if you find it is too low. 

You do not manifest anything from your conscious mind, and your intrusive thoughts come from your conscious mind, which is why you do not manifest them. Another reason you will not manifest any unwanted thoughts is that you do not have the intention to do that. 

You Will Always Manifest What You Intend To Manifest

The Law of Attraction does not work for you if you never mean what you say. If you do not intend to do something, you will not manifest it. That is good news about intrusive thoughts, but if you want to manifest something but your vibration is too low because you have any self-doubts, you will not attract that either. For example, if your conscious mind wants to lose weight but you have a lot of self-doubts deep within, and as a result, your vibration is too low, you will not manifest that weight loss. 

Before you manifest anything, you have to work on increasing your vibration and getting rid of self-doubt first. That way, when you recite affirmations, meditate, and do your visualizing exercises, you will intend to attract what you want, which means you will take action and manifest it. 

However, at the same time, if you are struggling with a lot of intrusive thoughts, remember that you will not manifest those thoughts. But it can slow the progress of your manifestation, which is why if they are a massive problem for you, you may need to seek therapy to find techniques to help you lessen them and not pay attention to them. So that is one thing to set your intention to do if this is a significant issue.