You mastered the Law of Attraction, and you have done a great job manifesting the things you want for yourself but you want to help someone else. You know how to raise your vibrational energy, and you have learned other tactics to help you make the Law of Attraction work on your side. That means you have found methods to manifest money, relationships you wanted, as well as better health. And you may wonder, since the Law of Attraction works so well for you (spoiler alert: it can work for anyone), you may wonder if you can help someone else by using the Law of Attraction. 

The Law Of Attraction And The Desire To Help Someone Else

You will be happy to know that you can use the Law of Attraction to help others. However, there is a caveat. If you want to use it to help someone, they have to be in the exact alignment as you for it to work. You have to realize, and you probably do realize, that for the Law of Attraction to work, your desire must be aligned with the vibration of what you are manifesting. And if you want to manifest something for someone, they have to have the same degree of desire as you do. They have to be at a higher vibrational frequency too. 

Alignment is critical because manifestation and the Law of Attraction use alignment and attraction to bring about what you desire. Therefore, if you align with someone else’s wants, you can manifest them. However, at the same time, if the individual you want to help can’t align their desires to yours, then you will not be able to manifest it for them. 

However, if you and the other individual are aligned to manifest what you both want, it will work beautifully as you will see you will manifest it quicker. But it is not always easy to manifest for others, and let’s delve more into why. 

Why Is It Usually Difficult To Manifest For Others?

Here is the thing. You know that for the Law of Attraction and manifestation to work, you have to believe it can happen and have positive energy, so it does happen. But that is not enough since you have to take action to attain what you want. If you want to manifest to help someone else, there could be obstacles you can face. They may wish to do the thing you want to manifest for them, but what if they are not willing to put in a significant effort to make it work? If they are not all in, you cannot make the Law of Attraction work for them. Once again, for it to work, they have to align with you. 

Let’s go over an example. You are ready to lose weight, and you are pumped and excited about the prospect of it. However, you know that nothing will stop you from losing weight. You also want your best friend to lose weight because you know they will be happier and healthier. Your best friend may be interested in losing weight, but if they are not taking action on it, you will not be able to manifest it for them. 

For instance, if you are pumped to head to the gym, but your best friend prefers to stay at home and watch TV, you can tell that they are not aligned with what you want to manifest. It is one thing if they need to take some time to rest after having a hectic day because that happens, and that is sometimes required. However, if this is a regular occurrence, unfortunately, the Law of Attraction will not work. The last thing you want to do is waste your time and energy attempting to manifest something that the other person does not truly desire. 

Before Manifesting For Someone, Make Some Considerations

There are things you need to consider before manifesting for someone. Just because you feel that what you want to manifest for them will be for their benefit and will be good for them does not mean they desire to attract it themselves. That right there creates a mismatch in vibrational energy. Think about your best friend who you know would benefit from losing weight the same way you would for yourself. However, is this what they want? If they are making excuses not to take steps to succeed, you know that they don’t honestly want it. 

Your best friend may be in denial that they could be in better health if they become more fit. But, unfortunately, you cannot change someone’s mind and make them see the truth unless they are ready to do that themselves. Remember how you realized that old self-limiting beliefs got into the way of you manifesting the things you wanted? Until you made that realization, you were the same way. Therefore, until your best friend admits this truth and is no longer in denial, then you cannot help them. 

That means you have to ask yourself before attempting to manifest anything for someone is “does this individual believe they can attain what I want to bring for them”? If you have doubts that they do, you have to trust your intuition and only be ready to help them when you know they are doing some inner work. 

You may also find that someone is interested in manifesting what you want, but at the same time, the obstacle that they face, and that you face with them, is that they are resistant to change. That means, once again, your best friend who initially showed interest in losing weight might not be willing to get out of their comfort zone to do the work to make it happen. 

The best thing to do is, as hard as it is to see a friend or a loved one suffer because they are not manifesting the things you know would help them is to focus on yourself. Focus on making the Law of Attraction work for you! If you can genuinely help someone else with it because they are in complete alignment with you, then it will work!

In that case, you cannot help them, and their resistance to change will lower the vibrational energy, which means you cannot manifest what you want for them.