You can use the Law of Attraction to manifest a relationship breakup in the same way you can manifest a new relationship. This might sound strange because when you think about the Law of Attraction, it means one thing: that is that like attracts like. Also, what you focus on expands, and when you think of the Law of Attraction, you think about how to attract money, a new job, a healthier body, a new relationship, etc. You hear a lot about using the Law of Attraction to manifest new connections, and it works if you are vibrating at the right frequency to attract it. What about using the Law of Attraction to break up a relationship? That sounds like a negative thing to draw, but what if breaking up a relationship is the best thing that could happen to you because it is not healthy?

Here is the thing about the Law of Attraction. You can use it for anything, but the question is, should you use it for everything? For example, when it comes to breaking up with your partner because you feel the relationship is not healthy and is stunting your growth, you can manifest the breakup without breaking your partner’s heart. So now, let’s talk about how you can manifest the split in the best way possible to be free and open yourself up for a new healthy relationship. 

How To Manifest A Relationship Breakup In The Best Way Possible

You are not happy in your relationship. Your partner is not the type that will be open to a breakup, but you feel as if the connection is not healthy. You deserve to be happy in a relationship, and you know this. However, this current relationship is not making you happy. But at the same time, you do not want to break your partner’s heart by expressing your desire to go your separate ways. 

The first thing you want to do is get clear on why you want to end the relationship, and you want to be as positive as possible about how you think about why you want it to end. You do not want to get caught up in thinking about how you feel that your partner is stunting your growth. Instead, you want to think about what you want in your life that you cannot do while with your partner. For example, you will say that you want to flourish, you want to have the freedom to do more exploring, and you can say I want to be with the ideal match. 

When you express those things, especially being with the ideal match, you clearly tell the Universe that you are ready to find your ideal partner. Since you do not feel that anything can flourish in your current relationship, the Universe knows that this relationship you are in is not the right one. 

Now that you are clear on what you want and why you want a relationship breakup, the next thing to do is to envision yourself with the ideal partner. What does that look like, and how does that feel? Imagine life with the partner of your dreams, and do not focus on your current partner. When you envision, you do not want your current partner in the picture. Instead, you want to focus on your ideal partner and how they will make you happy. 

The next thing you want to do is recite affirmations about finding your ideal partner. You can repeat statements such as “I deserve to be happy in a relationship” or say “My ideal partner is coming for me” and ensure that you do not utilize negativity in your affirmations. For example, you do not want to say anything such as “I want to break up with my partner because they don’t make me happy.” Keep your affirmations positive. 

You will want to do a lot of meditating by envisioning yourself with your ideal partner, and what often happens is that the break-up will be on its way. For example, perhaps your current partner is picking up your manifestation of your ideal partner telepathically and knows it is time to end the relationship, or you may become more emotionally distant with your partner. 

The next thing you want to do is manifest an easy breakup, so your partner does not get hurt. Though it is not realistic to believe they will not be hurt to some degree. But you can start envisioning your conversation with your partner and envisioning that you will make the break-up as easy as possible for your partner. And you may want to know at this time if you’re going to start going on dating apps, and let’s talk about it. 

Should You Start Signing Up On Dating Apps Before The Break-Up?

The short answer is “no,” because you want to manifest this break-up with integrity. If you sign up on dating apps before you break up with your current partner, not only is this essentially cheating, but that is a message to the Universe that you doubt that you will have an easy break-up with your current partner. You are sending a message to the Universe that you do not believe the break-up will happen unless you do something drastic such as cheat on your partner, which is not what you intend to do. But that will lower your vibration, and you will manifest a messy break-up or manifest not being able to break up properly. 

It is essential to take the right steps to manifest a proper break-up so you can attract your ideal partner. Do not sign up on any dating apps before the break-up, and you may want to spend some time single before jumping into another relationship properly. That may be necessary to do if you’re going to attract your ideal mate, as you do not want to attract someone who will become a rebound relationship. 

Even though you are the one who wants to manifest a break-up, it will be emotionally challenging for you, too, so taking time alone to decompress is the best ideal before jumping into attracting a new relationship. Taking time to yourself is essential to raise your vibration so you can utilize the Law of Attraction the best way possible to attract your ideal mate when the time is right for you.