Imagine that you can dream up what you want to manifest, such as more money, a new job that you will love, the perfect relationship, weight loss, and based on that alone, all of it will fall into your lap. That sounds like the ideal dream. Sure, you would have to focus on it and keep envisioning yourself having what you want to bring into your life, but if you can sit there and do that, life would be better and easier. 

However, that is not reality. You cannot sit there and imagine your perfect life or whatever you want to attract. If you’re going to attain any of those things, you have to take inspired action. So, the one question that many people have when it comes to manifestation and the Law of Attraction is whether or not it is possible to attract what you want without taking action. Unfortunately, the truth is that if you’re going to attract any of the things you want in life, you need to take inspired action. If you do not take action, that is a significant missing piece of how to manifest what you want. 

Taking Action Is Critical For Manifestation

The key to success when it comes to manifesting what you want is by taking inspired action to go after it. So many people know what they want to manifest in their lives, but the thing is, they don’t succeed at it because they don’t take action. The lack of taking action is the result of deep-rooted fear. Yes, they want those things, but they don’t attract them because fear and self-doubt block them from attaining them. Their fear and self-doubt stop them from taking the appropriate actions, and the lack of taking action lowers the vibration significantly. Now, let’s delve further into why you cannot make the Law of Attraction work for you if you do not take action. 

Why The Law of Attraction Won’t Work For You Without Taking Action

There will be people telling you that you can manifest anything you want even if you don’t take action. As long as you focus on the positive and what you want to attract and practice gratitude along the way, you will attain it. But that is wrong. You have to do those things in addition to taking action! The truth is, we live in the physical realm and not a magical one. So if you want to bring what you want into your life on the physical plane, you need to go after it physically. 

When working with the Law of Attraction, you have to consider that the Law of Gravity and Physics has to play a significant role. Otherwise, you will keep those visions that you have as only visions without taking action. Think about how you cannot drive a perfectly working car without fuel. It is the same idea. 

Unfortunately, if you wonder if it is possible to manifest the things you want in life without taking action, you now know that you cannot do that. It is not possible. If you happen to be someone who has been wanting to attract amazing things in life but cannot bring yourself to take the action steps you need to turn it into reality, let’s delve further into why you are not taking action. 

What Stops People From Taking Action For Manifestation?

As mentioned previously, many factors play a role in why many people who want to attain what they want in life don’t take the steps necessary to make that happen. Fear is a significant cause of the lack of action, and poor focus and poor determination are other causes. 

When it comes to not being able to focus on what you want to attract into your life, perhaps you want to attract many things at once, or you have a lot of other distractions happening in your life. That is why it is essential to focus on attracting one thing at a time. If you attempt to focus on wanting to attract a new job and a new relationship simultaneously, you will lose focus along the way for both. That is why you want to focus on one or the other. 

However, if you have other distractions that keep you from focusing on what you want to attract, you may want to look into delegating what you do not need to be responsible for in your life. You need time for yourself for self-care, which includes your manifestation work. 

Sometimes a lack of motivation will prevent you from taking action. That is why you do not want to attempt to manifest anything that you do not truly desire. Because if you want something, and you are not allowing fear to hold you back, you will find the determination and self-motivation to go after it. 

Sometimes, people do not know what to do and how to manifest what they want in their lives properly. That is why they need to connect with like-minded people who wish to attain their goals. They can support them by providing material to help them learn about how to take the appropriate action. 

Being Around Like-Minded People Is Essential

It is critical to only talk to those who carry a high vibration and support you in your manifestation work, as you will help them too. Of course, it helps if you want to manifest the same things as they do, such as being in weight loss support groups. However, it does not have to be the case, as you want to be only with those who will help inspire you to take action and help keep your vibrations high through encouragement. 

The last thing you want to do is be around those who carry a much lower vibration and who could sabotage your manifestation efforts. But if your vibration levels are high, those who are emitting a lower frequency will not want to be around you at all. Take action for what you want to attract, and do the other necessary work such as visualization, reciting affirmations, journaling, and expressing gratitude. While combining all of that, you will become a manifestation master!