You live in a world where it is difficult to show your true identity, as you feel the need to establish a fake persona on social media. You like to show the highlight reels of your life, and you want to make it known that is what you are all about, and you spend far more time keeping them instead of knowing who you indeed are.
You may also not live your true purpose because you don’t think society would accept it. Therefore, once again, you are not being true to yourself. You have to understand if you are projecting a false image consistently in addition to not honoring your values and not even wanting to understand your purpose because you don’t think they will be popular, you are hurting yourself.
There are a lot of negative consequences to not living authentically. If you don’t have a clear identity, not only will you not be successful, but you are not happy. And that puts you at a low vibration. Therefore, manifestation will be much harder for you if you do not live your authentic life. Are you ready to face that you have not been living your authentic life because you believe that society would not accept you if you did? Because you have to live your life, the one that you are meant to live and be true to yourself, despite society’s expectations, if you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you and to be happier.
Why Is It Important To Be Your Authentic Self?
You may wonder why manifestation must be your authentic self. Here is the thing. If you want to live freely, you need to know yourself. When socially interacting with others, you will not have to think about what to say as it will come out naturally. When you put on a fake persona, you have to think hard about what to say because you want to impress the individual you speak with, but they know that you are not being authentic. It is a lose-lose situation.
Additionally, in your personal life, you can acknowledge and embrace your genuine emotions and experiences without needing to justify and deceive yourself. Don’t you feel a sense of relief when you think about that? Yes, you can be your true self and be much happier, increasing your vibration. You will also have a lot more energy.
The nice thing is that you will be able to go after the things that are true to your purpose instead of going after something that does not fit who you are. Let’s delve more into why lying to yourself is one of the worst things you can do.
A Deeper Look As To Why Lying To Yourself Is Detrimental To You
When you live a lie, you are miserable, and as you know, that lowers your vibration tremendously, so you will not be able to manifest what you want. Instead, you will manifest more misery because, as you know, like attracts like and what you focus on expands. You will also always feel “off,” to the point that your life is for someone else. Living an inauthentic life means you cannot create close connections with others, and that type of disconnection leads to isolation which is detrimental to your mental health. You also feel you have to wear a mask when you are with others, which uses up a lot of energy.
However, you don’t feel you need to lie to yourself and others for no reason. If you grew up not feeling good enough and being told you were not good enough, it is understandable you would have the need not to live authentically. And don’t be hard on yourself if this is you. That was the only way to survive, but if you want to improve your life so you can manifest good things, you want to thrive, and living authentically is how you can do that!
How Can You Be Your Authentic Self?
Now you know how detrimental it is not to live your authentic life. So the big question is how can you live authentically so you can be happier and healthier in all ways? It is not easy, so that it will take time. The first thing to do is to know your values. What values are important to you? You may need to think hard about that if you have not been living authentically for a while. And once you do, you will want to think about your imperfections and quirks. What are they? Write them down. You may feel embarrassed to do this, but you must go through this exercise to embrace them. That is an essential step to being your authentic self.
Once you know your values, quirks, and imperfections, overcoming conformity is next. The one thing you have done by lying to yourself is trying to conform, which makes you miserable. You need to embrace your uniqueness and stop believing those who say it is bad to be different. It is also time to stop listening to the lies from society that is the same as everyone else means you are likable, successful, and attractive.
You must start doing what you want and what feels right to you! That does not mean breaking the law or shirking your responsibilities, as that is going to the other extreme. However, stop doing things to please others, and do things that match your values and purpose. Say things that you mean, and don’t hide them. Don’t agree with people if you truly don’t because you fear you will not be liked.
Once you get used to living an authentic life, you will find that you will be happier, and others will respect you even if they don’t agree with you. One of the least respectable things someone can do is not live their true life; if you know that, that should make you feel good. Go out there, and live your true life so you can begin attracting the things you truly desire.
Testing !!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart !
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own under-standing !!