Science is evolving as science is the reason people live longer, and science is the reason you can have the conveniences that you do that you did not have even a decade ago. Medical advances and technological advances are all because of science. Because of evolving science, you have more access to information and medicine that you did not have access to in the past, and one day you will be able to ride in a flying car. Since science is a complex subject behind evolving technology and medicine, you may wonder if science backs up manifestation. 

Science Does Not Back Up Manifestation

While it is true that what you envision affects your life, and the actions you take to make the Law of Attraction work for you affect your life, there is no proof that science backs up manifestation. There is no data available to indicate that it is. Therefore, manifestation is an art, not a science. 

Science requires a systematic process that makes data, experiments, and observations to find conclusions after confirming assumptions. It uses data to create theories or qualify or quantify statements that convert into postulates and laws. Therefore, scientific findings can develop models that explain how the world operates. Therefore, the only way to test whether or not the models work is through science, as science proves or disproves theories. Scientific proof of approaches can help scientists develop new models. 

Another reason science does not back up manifestation is that manifestation is an unstructured process. And science can only use structured methods where scientists can collect data in a systematic approach. Additionally, scientists can repeat experiments using data that will give them similar results. You cannot test manifestation through repeated experiments as it has no structure as observations and experiments do. 

Additionally, science requires a structured process that others can repeat to make their version of the same process. On the other hand, manifestation requires an individual approach, and you cannot replicate it when it comes to manifestation. 

Manifestation Is An Art, Not A Science

Because manifestation does not have a process to gather data to make conclusions and confirm assumptions, it cannot be a science. Instead, manifestation is an art. It is an art that you can use to create what you want in your life. You can think of manifestation as a game that you can play because when it comes to making the Law of Attraction work for you, you can play around by visualizing what you want in your life and using your imagination and creativity to bring it to you. There is no starting point with manifestation, and there are no rules or structures. Instead, you need to operate on a high frequency to attract what you want into your life by challenging self-doubt and working at a positive mind frame and state of being. 

That is a Universal Law that what you focus on, you attract and what you focus on expands. Because if you focus on the fact that you cannot ever find a partner, for example, you will lower your frequency and keep struggling to find the right partner. That will happen if you keep up with that focus. Or, if you focus on abundance and do what you can to bring it into your life, that expands too, and you will attract abundance. However, none is scientific because it does not fit into science’s statistical method. 

When you are manifesting, you are the driver of your destiny. There is no experimentation or testing when it comes to manifestation. However, manifestation involves creativity and imagination that does not have any scientific understanding. Now, let’s talk about the purpose of science and manifestation and why both are excellent for your life. 

The Purpose Of Science

As mentioned, science is why you are seeing more and more technological and medical advances. The gist of it is that science looks to understand how the world operates and use its knowledge beneficial to humans individually and in society. Science also looks to understand how natural phenomena work, such as light, gravity, energy, magnetism, etc. Therefore, the concern is with the physical world regarding science and using the knowledge to understand how it operates to help improve lives. Science is also there to help scientists and those involved in science apply the ability to attain goals. 

Therefore, the purpose of science is not to teach you how to create the best life you can, but you can take advantage of science as you do it if it involves technology. Science does not care about you achieving happiness, enlightenment, and peace. Those are personal goals you have, and it has nothing to do with scientific research. Now that you understand the purpose of science, let’s briefly go over manifesting. 

The Purpose Of Manifestation

Manifestation is an art, and that is all about creating what you want into your life, whether you consciously know it. You also learn how the Universe works through manifestation and how to increase your vibration. Manifestation is an art because you combine your imagination with an approach that will help you attract what you want in life. 

You manifest by making conscious decisions that affect yourself and your world without worrying about the outcome. Manifesting something that you never thought you could bring into your life is courageous as you not only have to step out of your comfort zone to raise your vibration. However, you could manifest something that you may not be able to reverse. For example, you could manifest your true love and as you do, you may find that you may not have been ready to experience some things from having the perfect relationship for you. There are responsibilities that you may not have been open to dealing with when you are with the perfect partner. However, at the same time, those are all good for your personal growth. 

Now, you understand why science cannot back up manifestation because there is no scientific proof that manifestation works even though you know it does! Because manifestation is an art.