When you want to manifest something that you want into your life, you have to emit a high frequency, which means you have to get rid of any self-doubt and have a positive mindset on default regardless of what you want to attract into your life. Once again, the Law of Attraction is defined as “like attracts like” and “what you focus on expands,” which is all about your vibration. Once you know this, you will work hard to increase your vibration to attract whatever it is into your life, such as abundance, a new relationship, a new job, or anything. 

However, sometimes you are not sure how you can effectively increase your vibration to the point that it matches the vibration of whatever it is that you want to attract into your life. This is because you may not know how to effectively make the Law of Attraction work on your side. You may not know about the appropriate action steps to take, so you may be confused about whether or not you are doing it the right way. The good news is that you are not alone. You have spirit guides who will help you make the Law of Attraction work on your side. When you intend to attract what you want, you have to take another step and learn how to communicate with your spirit guides. 

What Are Spirit Guides?

Your spirit guides are entities that guide you from the moment of birth until you take your last breath, as they are souls of individuals who have evolved so high through reincarnation to the point that they have the choice to either incarnate again as highly advanced souls or to take on the role of spirit guides to help others through their journeys. You have some spirit guides that stay with you throughout your life, but other guides come to you during different times of your life. If you are dealing with significant challenges, you have guides to help you get through those challenges. 

For instance, if you get into a severe car accident and have significant injuries, you will have dedicated spirit guides to help you during that tough healing time. And after you heal, then the guides will leave. However, to truly heal, you have to find the strength to call upon the guides so you can heal with positivity. The same goes for calling upon your guides to help you with manifestation. 

Learn To Communicate With Your Guides During Manifestation

What you need to do when it comes to making the Law of Attraction work for you is to learn how to communicate with your spirit guides, and you will need to know to see the signs that they are listening and speaking with you. So whether you want to call your spirit guides to help you raise your vibration or you need your spirit guides’ help in taking appropriate action, you need to pay attention to what signs they give you. So let’s now talk about how you can communicate with your guides and what to look for when it comes to them responding. 

First Is To Make A List Of Things You Want Them To Help You With

You want to make a list of the things that you wish your spirit guides to help you with so you can allow them to guide you correctly. For example, if you want your guides to help you find ways to raise your vibration by canceling out your self-doubt, or if you need their help when it comes to ideas for marketing your business so you can manifest success, they are there for you. Make a list of all of the things you need their help for and if you are unsure what they can help you with, then meditate and allow the list to come to you. 

After you make a list, thank your guides for helping you by offering a solution for whatever you want to manifest. And you only want to call upon your guides of the highest truth and compassion because you could inadvertently ask the help of trickers who pretend they are your guides. And they could lead you down some wrong paths. So be very specific about what you want your guides to help you with, and that way, they will come to you. You can also call upon them on any day or night. Then now, it is time to listen and watch for signs that they are helping you. 

Listen To Your Spirit Guides And Watch For Their Signs

If you have clairaudient abilities, the psychic ability to hear what spirits say, you will listen to your guides speak to you. But before any of that happens, you want to take about five to 15 minutes to meditate to clear your mind, and then after meditation, bring paper and a pen, and begin to allow yourself to write, and don’t focus on what you are writing, allow it to flow from you. Your spirit guides tell you what you need to do to help you manifest what you want. Ensure you thank them and show gratitude towards them so that trickers do not try to get through to you. 

If you are not comfortable with automatic writing, you can ask your guides to show you signs that you are on the right path to manifesting what you want and increasing your vibration if that is what you need to do. For example, they can send feathers, coins, and even “speak” to you by books or other lighter objects falling off. So, for example, if you receive guidance from taking a particular action to manifest more success with your business, and you see a coin on the ground out of nowhere, your spirit guide tells you that you are on the right path. 

You can turn that into a fun game with them as well, as they will be happy to play it by showing you different signs that you are on the right path by making the Law of Attraction work for you. Always remember that your guides are there to help you along the way as you are never alone! When you know you have their help, it can make your manifesting abilities better!