You may be in debt, and you don’t know how to pay it back, or you may have medical expenses coming out of your ears, and you are clueless about taking care of them. Yet, you are full of anxiety, and you have semi-serious thoughts about robbing a bank. Or another scenario is that you have been single for too long that you are ready to hook up with just anyone only to be in a relationship. 

Or one more scenario that can paint the picture of what I am attempting to bring out is that you want to lose weight too rapidly to the point you are trying out crash diets, diet pills, and other unhealthy methods to lose weight which only causes you to gain more weight in the end. What do these scenarios sound like to you? That reeks of desperation! All of those things happen because of desperation. The only positive thing about desperation is that it can, in the end, change your life for the better, but it is a very low-vibrational way of being. 

Life Changes For Two Reasons: Inspiration And Desperation 

Let’s face it. You do not want to change your life unless two things happen. One high-vibrational influence that can change your life is an inspiration when you see someone attain a goal that you want to achieve. Or, there is something you want to reach, and you feel inspired to go after it, such as seeing a new car or having the freedom to afford to live a higher lifestyle. For example, many people who want to lose weight will follow ordinary people documenting their weight loss journeys on social media platforms such as TikTok for inspirational reasons. 

And the other thing that causes you to change your life is desperation which is low-vibrational energy as it indicates that you are in a state of despair. However, the issue with desperation is that it can cause you to make rash decisions, and it can cause you to act before thinking destructively. Another thing about desperation is that it forces you to doubt that you will ever be able to conquer those issues you have. Therefore, it does not only cause you to be in a state of despair but also causes you to not believe in yourself. 

But here is the good news, you have it within you to make the Law of Attraction work on your side to banish desperation. You do not want desperation to get to the best of you if you happen to be in a dire situation, such as being in severe debt, being obese, or feeling as if you are hopelessly single. So now, let’s talk about how you can banish defeat to begin manifesting the things you want! But before getting to that, let’s talk about why desperation is dangerous to understand why you want to raise above that extremely low-frequency level. 

Why Is Desperation Dangerous?

When you act out of desperation, and when you are in that state, even if you have not acted out yet, the desperation is so deep in your subconscious that you don’t realize that you are attempting to manifest what you want out of being in such a state of despair. That is why it is dangerous. Desperation is at such low vibration that you will feel powerless, and you will not have the power to utilize the universal factors necessary to manifest what you want. 

When you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you, you need to be in a state of creation, and that cannot happen if you are in such a desperate state. So now, let’s talk about how you can banish desperation to begin to make the Law of Attraction work for you in a fulfilling and high-vibrational way. 

Manifest What You Want In A State Of Creation And Not Desperation

If you are in a situation that is causing you to be desperate, it will take a lot of practice to get yourself into a state of creation, but awareness of how dangerous desperation is is the key. Therefore, the first thing you want to do is focus on the feeling of being successful in attaining what you want and do not focus at all on the challenges, loss, trouble, and defeat. If you can do that, you will begin to see yourself shifting from a desperate state to a progress-focused one. 

That means you will be able to focus on problem-solving and look for the right resources to help you develop solutions. Once you get into that mode, the feelings of desperation will fall away even more. You will begin to see yourself as a powerful creator instead of a helpless victim in your situation. Once you see yourself as a powerful creator, that becomes the game-changer for you. 

Taking Inspired Action Is The Key As Well As Visualization And Using Affirmations

You will also find that once you are out of desperation, you will begin to change your life for the better through inspiration since you believe in yourself to make the necessary changes. That starts with visualizing what you want and reciting the affirmations that will help you attain what you want. Then, you will take inspired action as well. For example, if you are deep into debt, you will have found that there is a debt consolidation company to help you while you take on gigs to make extra money. That is how you will manifest more money as you find your debt solution. That is one example of how to start creating a much better life as you move away from desperation. 

Therefore, if you are in a situation where you are beginning to feel desperate, that is the time to stop and think about how you can change that. The last thing you want to do is manifest what you want in a state of desperation which will backfire. You want to be a creator instead!