If you have been a victim of bullying, particularly in your childhood, you may have believed that your wants and needs do not matter. That is because the bullying made you think that way. And you may feel that you are a magnet to lousy luck because nothing seems to work in your favor. 

You may feel that you had a wrong lot in life because you were a victim of bullying, but as an adult, you seem to get used by those who pretend to be your friend. You may also be working at a job that you don’t like, and you are probably underpaid while overworked. As a result, you may have financial difficulties and relationship difficulties. 

To make it worse, you may see that those who bullied you in your youth live better lives than you are. So, naturally, that makes you mad and jealous! And if that is the case, there is a reason for that, which will be discussed briefly. 

Do you want to know the truth about all of that? You do not have the worst lot in life because you can change your reality for the better. However, you are attracting negative things because that is what you subconsciously feel you deserve after being bullied, which harms your worth. 

Your History Of Being Bullied Does Not Harm Your Luck

Here is the thing. It is not your fault that you were bullied when you were young. Perhaps you had a difference, which made you an easy target for bullies. Bullying can do a lot of damage. But that does not mean you have to accept your life will always be negative, which may shock you. But here is the thing. Since the bullying made you believe that you were not worthy of getting anything good in life, your beliefs are lowering your frequency, so you keep attracting the things you do not want. 

Unfortunately, many bullied victims are full of poor views and thoughts about themselves, which lowers their vibration. That is why so many of them keep attracting unsuccessful relationships, low-paying jobs, unemployment, and poor health. On the flip side, bullies tend to live more prosperous lives because they believe in themselves and go after what they want. Therefore, their vibration is higher, so they have an easier time getting what they want. 

Sadly, the Law of Attraction does not care if you are a kind-hearted person or not. The expression “nice guys finish last” is there for a reason. Unfortunately, those who are overly kind may be too selfless to the point that they don’t think highly of themselves, so they always end up with the short end of the stick. Therefore, bullies are not kind people, as we know, but the Law of Attraction does not care. They know how to make it work on their side. That is why they appear to live “charmed lives” to the victims who they bullied. Therefore, the secret to living a much better life is understanding how to make the Law of Attraction work for you, and that means you have to work on increasing your vibration. 

How Former Victims Of Bullying Can Change Their Luck For The Better

Because bullying can significantly impact self-esteem, bullied victims will likely need to go through some therapy. There are many free videos on YouTube created by therapists and coaches who provide helpful tips on how to increase self-esteem. That is the first step. Because if you are a former victim of bullying, you have to increase your self-esteem before applying any other tricks to manifest what you want in life for it to work. Having high self-esteem is essential for keeping your vibration high. 

Affirmations Are Key

When you are raising your self-esteem to be able to attract what you truly want in life, you will need to recite affirmations about how worthy you are of nice things. You can repeat affirmations such as “I am worthy of good things” or “I am good enough,” and you eventually will believe it and continue with therapy or self-improvement work. 

You will get to the point of knowing your self-esteem has been built up by you not caring about how your bullies seem to be doing better than you anymore. You also will not focus on the bullying you endured in your youth. Then, you will be ready and genuinely ready to start manifesting whatever you want. Your intuition will tell you when you are fully prepared to receive blessings from the Universe. 

You Will Know When You Are Ready To Manifest Anything You Want

It does not matter if you want to manifest a better job, more money, a better relationship, and even friends who will care about you and stop using you. You can have all of that! So what you will want to do is start creating a vision board, so you keep focusing on the things you want to attract in your life. You also want to envision the items you wish to and remind yourself now and then that you are deserving of nice things in life. 

If you are a former victim of bullying, you will still have some low days even if you have done so much work within, and you are keeping your vibration high. Those are the days to remind yourself of how worthy you are, and those are the days to recite affirmations about your worth. That will help bring your self-esteem back up again. The days that those doubts creep up are the days when you are feeling low. 

While you keep manifesting what you want by meditating, envisioning, and reciting affirmations and never losing your focus, you want to take the appropriate actions. Hence, the Universe sees that you are serious about attracting what you want into your life. And before you know it, you will begin to see that your life is not plagued because you were a victim of bullying. After all, the nice things you have been attracting are finally coming to you.