Have you heard of the Nikola Tesla 3-6-9 manifestation method? If not, you are not alone. The 3-6-9 manifestation method is a paradigm of repetitive and practiced thoughts throughout anyone’s day, which serves as a tool to help make the Law of Attraction work. The purpose of this method is to help you manifest anything you would like from the Universe, whether it is better health, money, or a relationship. It works by using constant affirmations with particular words as it helps your subconscious mind believe that you have what you want. Okay, now let’s go over the relevance of the 3-6-9 manifestation method and how this particular number helps you manifest what you want if you utilize it correctly. 

What Is The Significance Of 3-6-9 Regarding The Law Of Attraction?

The numbers 3-6-9 and the Universe as three links to the Universe, whereas six represent how strong you are. Then nine is the number that means moving on from the past and helping you overcome emotions that have to do with self-doubt and any negativity. If you don’t feel a strong connection with the numbers, you will want to try it. However, if it still does not seem to fit you, then that is okay because this method may not work for everyone who does not feel connected to these numbers at all. 

However, you do want to give it a go because it could end up being a gamechanger for you! Let’s go over how you can utilize the 3-6-9 method for manifestation in greater detail. 

The First Step Is To Say Good Morning With These Numbers

What you will want to do is take a notepad and a pen and put it by your bed, on your nightstand, or the floor next to your bed. You will need it upon awakening because you use this method as soon as you wake up. You start by expressing gratitude for what the Universe has given you, which correlates with three. Then say something that makes you strong, which relates to six, and then finally, you will tell the Universe what you want while challenging any negative feelings you may have. Finally, you will want to write it down. 

For example, if you want to manifest a better job than the Universe for the job you have now, tell them that you are ready to take on new challenges with a new and higher-paying job. Say it with confidence and specify how much you want to earn in your new career. You will want to write it down three times, for 17 seconds long as that is how long it takes for your thoughts to get things going as it begins the start of your manifestation, according to Abraham Hicks. 

During those critical 17 seconds, it is vital not to waver with how you feel. Do not allow any doubts to come in, and stick to expressing what you want confidently. That will only hurt the momentum, and it will be futile in the end. Initially, that will be a challenge, especially if you struggle with self-doubt, but it takes practice to get it right. 

It is also essential not to get upset with yourself if you stray during those 17 seconds. The beautiful thing is that you have unlimited chances to get it correctly, as you will plant the seeds right once you get the hang of it. It is also essential that you do not give in to lack or obsessive feelings. If you keep struggling with feelings of doubt, you will keep getting resistance. 

That is because doubt will lower your frequency and vibration, and that is why you will not attract what you want. So if you are struggling a lot, you may want to put this method on hold until you can get to the root of the cause of your self-doubt. Then, start using this method once you get a hold of it and can face it and beat it. 

Repeat The 3-6-9 Manifestation At Lunch Time And Again Before Going To Bed

When you are working or busy going on with your day, you will forget about what you want to manifest. That is why it is essential to focus on what you want to manifest by doing the 3-6-9 method at lunch. First, take a notepad and write down what you wish to do three times again. 

It is essential to revisit it because you will get into the habit of focusing on what you want to manifest, such as the new job. In addition, it will help raise your vibration, and you will want to do the 3-6-9 method once more in the day before going to bed. If you do this once more before going to bed, it will be embedded in your subsections before falling asleep. That means when you wake up, you will have a much easier time doing the same thing again as you wake up. 

Once you get into the habit and become second nature to you, you will operate at a high frequency and stay that way throughout the day. Therefore, you will be less likely to allow challenging situations to bring you down for very long. When you repeat those affirmations, they become embedded in your subconscious, and they can become part of your self-care routine. 

The 3-6-9 Method Rewires Your Brain

The truth is that this particular manifestation method will help rewire your brain so you can be at the high-frequency level all of the time so you can manifest anything you want quicker. However, not everyone resonates with this method, and that is okay. People must work with what is best for them. But people should give this method a chance as it works very well. It is a great way to challenge you to remove any thoughts of self–doubt and negativity. Because once you can clear that out and get back into using the 3-6-9 method with confidence, you will see how you can manifest anything you choose effortlessly.