The great thing about manifestation and making the Law of Attraction work on your side is that you can use your creative power to make it work! Currently, there are creative energies in the Universe as Venus in Capricorn is making a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. What that means to those unfamiliar with astrology is that Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and charm, makes a harmonious aspect to Neptune. This planet rules spirituality, creativity, and dreams, allowing the energies between these planets to flow well together. 

Therefore, this aspect makes it easy for you to get your creative juices flowing, and it is helpful when you are working on a creative pursuit, whether it is a piece of art, creative writing, or manifesting abundance. So, let’s talk about how you can harness these energies to help you do the latter – how can you allow the harmonious energies from the Venus and Neptune sextile to help you manifest abundance? 

How To Manifest Abundance Through Creativity 

The focus, for now, is being creative and allowing your creative juices to help you manifest anything you want. It is an exciting thought that you have the creative power to manifest abundance, and pulling your imagination out can be fun when you plan to use it for the Law of Attraction. These fun and innovative methods go beyond creating a vision board. Vision boards are great for helping you maintain your focus. However, other ways you can utilize to make it more exciting. For example, if you want to attract more wealth, you can do some fun and creative things to help you welcome wealth into your life.

Place Gorgeous Images Of Money Around You

This suggestion is a creative version of an ordinary vision board. If you want to attract wealth, you want to be surrounded by money images, so you keep your focus. You can find stock images of money, print them out, blow them up, and put them on your office walls or other areas of your home where you are most of the time. You can place the images on your fridge, bathroom, or living room walls. You can also make photocopies of money and do the same. If you want to get extra creative, you can draw pictures of money or paint them and place them on your walls. That is one way to harness the energies from this harmonious Venus and Neptune aspect. 

Tell Your Money That You Love It

Does the idea of talking to money make you feel strange? It should not because so many people talk to inanimate objects, and it is a great thing to do when it comes to manifestation. So, therefore, go and tell your money how much you love it. Get creative with your words, and you’d be surprised how pumped you will become when you do it. Besides, this is also a fun way to help you feel better about money and help you diminish any negative beliefs you have about yourself when it comes to wealth. That is key for allowing abundance into your life as well.  

Get Creative With Affirmations

Another way you can harness the power of this lovely Venus and Neptune aspect is by creating easy and short affirmations you can recite to yourself about wealth and abundance. You do not want to complicate this part, as your affirmations should be short and to the point, but use your imagination to harness your creative power. Recite them to yourself daily, and you can record them. Then, listen to them when you drive, cook, or do anything else. You will find that this is a fun part of your manifestation experience. 

Put Old Coins In A Jar And Keep The Jar As Decoration

Another thing that comes with creativity is decorating, and there is another way to decorate your home or office and add money all around your surroundings. Go and search for some old coins and take a jar. You will find coins in your car, your drawers, and likely in your closet or basement. As you collect them, put them in a jar, and you can put your jar of coins on your desk, or your fireplace mantle, or kitchen counter; that is up to you. The point is to increase the vibration of wealth because coins are excellent for that and an abundance mindset. 

Declutter Your Wallet

That may not be a creative hack, but it is a practical hack that everyone needs to do to attract wealth. For example, you likely have old and expired credit cards, old notes that no longer apply to you, or very old receipts that you do not need. Those do not carry a high vibration that will help you manifest wealth. Therefore, you want to remove those and cut up old and expired credit cards. You may want to do that even before you begin to get creative with your manifestations. 

Take Creative Action

Now that you have increased your vibration through your creative power by reciting affirmations and decorating your home or office with anything wealth-related, you are now at a place where you have to take action. If you want to increase your business income, you need to find creative ways to market your business. If you want to attract wealth by selling crafts, that is a perfect way to express your creativity—market that as well. But, if you’re going to do creative writing, and make money that way, find places online that will pay you for creative writing. Do you see how the sky is the limit with this? The beautiful thing is that these lovely Neptune and Venus energies together can help you attract abundance even quicker as you put your creativity out there for it. 

There is always some form of creative energy around for you to utilize to make the Law of Attraction work on your side. However, when it comes to times when the Universe is sending out potent energy of this nature, you want to make the most of it! Happy Manifesting!