The news about inflation concerns so many people worldwide. One of the worries they have is the cost of food. Inflation results from pandemic costs and other factors playing a role. Therefore, it is creating a lot of anxiety among people who are terrified that they won’t have the money to feed themselves and their families because the cost of food will be out of reach at some point in the nearer future. 

That is what they fear anyway. Is this something that you are worried about as well? Are you afraid you will not have enough money to buy food for yourself and your family? You are not alone, but here is the thing. You have to remember one thing about whatever you attract in your life: like attracts because it depends on the energy you put out. The fear of not having enough money to buy necessities such as food creates energy around lack! That is a significant problem. 

If You Are Afraid You Will Not Have Enough Money To Afford Anything, You Are Attracting That Truth

As you know, the fundamental truth about the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. Whatever frequency you are sending out will attract the same frequency from the universe. Having a fear of not having enough money to buy food and other necessities because of inflation is something you are sending out to the universe if this is your focus. Therefore, you will be attracting not only less money in your pocket and more expenses to face, but you will be attracting the struggle of affording food and other necessities. That is a significant money mistake you are making regarding the Law of Attraction! The fear of lack of money is focusing on too much.

As you know, what you focus on expands! How can you fix this problem and not repeat these mistakes regarding money and finances? You have to learn how to manifest abundance, so you do not have to ever worry about failing to afford food and other necessities. 

The Biggest Way To Fix This Money Mistake Is To Focus On Manifesting Abundance

You know the reality of inflation is an issue for necessities and everything else, and it will become more pronounced in the nearer future. Your biggest struggle is thinking that you will not have the money to keep up with the costs of food and other necessities in the more immediate future. Therefore, that is what you need to fix. Instead of thinking about how much you may not have to cover those costs, put your energy into knowing that you will have more than enough to cover the costs of necessities. In other words, focus on abundance and the belief that you will not have any problem with covering the costs and anything else you would love to attain. Switching the focus from lack to abundance all has to do with removing any self-limiting beliefs. 

Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Are The Reason You Are Making This Money Mistake

When you focus on financial struggles and lack, you do not believe you could have the money you truly want. You think that you will only struggle financially, and that is why you fear that you will not be able to keep up with the costs of inflation. You need to get to the bottom of why that is and why you have such a self-limiting belief that keeps you at a low vibrational level. 

Did you watch your parents struggle financially growing up? Understandably, you would have those beliefs rubbing onto you if you did. Or, even if that was not the case, did you have self-esteem issues growing up because you did not feel as if you fit in with peers you perceive as more successful than you? Did you end up having an unexpected expense at one time that you could not cover unless you took out a line of credit?

If you answered yes to any of those answers, that is the issue. So how are you going to fix that? Because that is what you need to do, you can focus on attaining abundance instead of living in a lack mindset. 

Make A Commitment To Yourself To Move From A Lack To An Abundance Mindset

The first step in removing these self-limiting beliefs is knowing that you, like anyone else, are not destined to struggle financially because of inflation. You have to know and believe that is the case. 

Also, be open to working with a therapist to get to the root of the issue and working through it so you can rise above it. You will not be able to fix the lack mindset unless you take this step which may be challenging since it is an issue that is in your subconscious mind. A therapist you would want to work with would have to also be under the Law of Attraction to help you get into an abundance mindset even quicker. 

With a lot of work and effort to remove your beliefs about not thinking you are worthy of financial abundance, you will begin to focus on it and raise your vibration. While you do that, you will also look into your money-spending habits, and you will make changes as well. Of course, you never want to be cheap, but living a more frugal lifestyle is a great way to show that you respect money. When you appreciate money, you use your energy wisely – and money is energy. 

You may even decide to create a side-hustle if you don’t have one currently to help you attract more abundance. You will want to ensure that you stay in that mind frame and don’t allow those limiting old beliefs to take over again. You must keep your vibration up very high, so you stick that abundance mind frame. 

Once you do the work with removing that self-limiting belief and getting yourself away from the lack mindset, you will confidently not even think about struggling to keep up with the cost of inflation! You are open to abundance because you are worthy of it!