It’s vital to remove self-limitations because deep down, you know you are worthy of attaining great things. You know that you are worthy of having a successful business, a slender body, and all of the beautiful things that life has to offer. However, there is one reason you do not attain those things even when you intend to go after them. That is because you have so many self-limiting beliefs getting in the way of your manifestations. 

When you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you, you have to do one thing: not to allow anything to get in the way of your manifestation abilities. That is removing your self-limitations. Self-limiting beliefs are toxic to your manifesting skills and will also kill them right then and there. So if you are doing the right things when it comes to setting intentions to go after what you want, but it never manifests, then that is because your self-limiting beliefs kill it. 

What Causes Self-Limiting Beliefs?

There are so many causes of self-limitations, and it usually results from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can happen for many reasons, but many times trauma is the cause. For example, if you were told growing up that you were not good enough and endured a lot of bullying in your youth, that will cause low self-esteem and self-limitations. However, self-limiting beliefs are not always caused by low self-esteem. For example, sometimes, if you go after something you want, but it is so big that you fear it, then that will be a self-limiting situation that will get into the way of manifestation. 

However, if your self-limiting beliefs are the result of any significant trauma you endured, the best thing to do is to find a therapist who specializes in trauma to help you work through it. And, if you struggle with self-doubt and fear, which causes limitations even if your mental health is good, there are tips you can utilize to help remove those blocks. 

Put Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Into Writing

You need to pinpoint the negative beliefs, and you will want to take a piece of paper and write it out. You may think that you are putting out that energy further by doing that. However, as counterintuitive as this sounds, you want to take this important step. When you write these negative beliefs out onto paper, you will be releasing them. Let’s go over some examples.

If you want to start a business, but you don’t think you could ever be as successful as your old classmates who established companies, then you have that self-limiting belief holding you back. So what you will write is that “I am not ever going to be as successful as my old classmates.” 

Or, if you are struggling to find a successful relationship and have not had much luck, you will think you are not deserving of a good partner. Therefore, you will want to write out, “I will never find the man/woman of my dreams, and I guess I am destined to be alone for the rest of my life.”

And keep writing each negative thought you have. If you have a lot, which chances are you do because that is a common problem, you will see why you cannot make the Law of Attraction work. Now, what are you going to do with these negative thoughts?

The Next Step Is To Think Back To When These Beliefs Started

As mentioned, if you endured trauma involving bullying or scapegoating by family members, you will struggle to believe you are worthy of good things. And that is how the self-limiting beliefs started. That will require you to be in therapy as working through trauma will need psychological support. However, for most people, whether they struggle with trauma or not, their self-limitations come from the media, news, or hearing about friends or colleagues who attained great things. You will then find why these individuals achieved what they did and immediately see how it cannot happen because you lack what they have. 

For instance, you just found out that a coworker is getting married. You are envious and struggle to be happy for them because you want a partner. But, unfortunately, a partner does not come easy to you. What does this colleague have that you don’t? Are they thinner, have a better personality, do they have more going for them? That is what will run through your head. Therefore, you will have a self-limiting belief when it comes to attracting the right partner. Now, your job is to delve deep down into why you developed this self-limiting belief. You may find that an ex from high school who broke up with you said you have a terrible personality and don’t have much going for you. Therefore, they said that you would never find a partner. There it is! You found it!

Now It Is Time To Transform Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

You now know what caused your self-limiting beliefs. Now, the challenge lies in you transforming your negative thoughts into a positive spin. So, if you are the one who thinks you cannot start a successful business because you will not be as successful as your classmates, then you need to challenge that. 

What makes your classmates more worthy of being successful than you? And you also do not know what struggles they endured to become successful. No one becomes successful without failing. Once you understand that, you will see that nothing is stopping you from finding success. Therefore, you will say, “I may not have found success like my classmates did, but I am worthy of it, and I will achieve it.” 

When it comes to finding your true love, you will realize that you were put down by an ex which causes you to form self-limiting beliefs regarding romantic relationships. Finally, you will say, “I have not found my true love yet, but there is someone for everyone, which means there is someone for me out there.” 

You will also want to think back to when you did find success and had a true love, even though it did not last. If it happened once, it would happen again. So again, if you need to work through therapy to make these changes, that is what you need to do. If you have been through the trauma of ingrained negative beliefs, you need extra help to remove them. Anyone has the power to remove self-limitations through work that may or may not involve therapy.